Wrecking Ball Crane

Released on: Oct. 13, 2023
Created by Bulwark Gaming

File Size Last
Exhust1.obj 390.5 KB 13 Oct 2023
Exhust.obj 222.2 KB 13 Oct 2023
Face2.obj 20.2 MB 13 Oct 2023
Face1.obj 2.7 MB 13 Oct 2023
Face.obj 3.7 MB 13 Oct 2023
chain_connection.obj 8.1 MB 13 Oct 2023
chain.obj 668.3 KB 13 Oct 2023
ball.obj 23.8 MB 13 Oct 2023
base.obj 22.7 MB 13 Oct 2023
neck.obj 28.2 MB 13 Oct 2023
body.obj 47.1 MB 09 Feb 2024

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The "Ork Krusher Kranecraft" wrecking ball is a colossal piece of Ork machinery, designed for maximum destruction. It features a massive, spiky wrecking ball with a crude yet powerful appearance. The noisy engine that powers it rumbles with each swing.