Showing 1 to 20 of 49 results

  • Released on Feb. 22, 2024


  • 1/5 of the big lads

    on 32mm base

    Released on Nov. 23, 2023


  • In a dusty, post-apocalyptic world, an orc perched on the back of a roaring truck, gripping a massive, horned dogo. The dogo, with ivory spikes jutting from its powerful frame, spun wildly, its eyes gleaming with excitement. Sensing their enemies closing in, the dogo would clamp down on anything that moved.

    With practiced skill, the orc handler knew how to use the chain and bone to turn the dogo into a makeshift wrecking ball. As the truck sped through the desolate wasteland, its tusks gleaming in the harsh sun, they could bash down any opponent in their path. The orc and his formidable companion were an unstoppable force, a whirlwind of fury and survival in a world where strength and loyalty were the ultimate weapons.

    Released on Oct. 27, 2023


  • Active Patreons get 35% off older olders.

    The "Ork Krusher Kranecraft" wrecking ball is a colossal piece of Ork machinery, designed for maximum destruction. It features a massive, spiky wrecking ball with a crude yet powerful appearance. The noisy engine that powers it rumbles with each swing.

    Released on Oct. 13, 2023


  • Patreon get 35% off models

    These enigmatic beings were the guardians of nature, the embodiment of the forest's magic, and the keepers of its wisdom.

    The Leafolk were born from the gentle embrace of sunlight and the essence of ancient trees. Each Leafolk possessed a distinct appearance, reflecting the diverse flora that adorned their woodland home. Some were adorned with vibrant autumnal hues, resembling leaves ablaze in fiery reds, oranges, and yellows. Others boasted delicate, pastel petals that mirrored the blossoms of spring. And a few displayed the lush greens of evergreen foliage, reflecting the endurance of the forest.

    With their limbs branching out like elegant tendrils, the Leafolk moved gracefully, their footsteps echoing the rustle of leaves in the wind. Their eyes, glowing like the first rays of dawn, revealed a profound connection to the living world around them. They possessed an innate understanding of the intricate balance of nature, harmonizing with the animals, plants, and spirits that inhabited the great forests.

    For centuries, the Leafolk had devoted themselves to the protection and preservation of their enchanted woodland realm. With a blend of gentle wisdom and fierce determination, they guarded the forest against those who sought to exploit its resources or disturb its delicate equilibrium. Through their ancient rituals and age-old chants, they harnessed the power of the land, mending wounded trees, healing wounded creatures, and restoring the natural order.

    They remained the eternal guardians of the woods, standing as a testament to the enduring power and beauty of the natural world.

    Released on Aug. 21, 2023


  • Patreon get 35% off models

    These enigmatic beings were the guardians of nature, the embodiment of the forest's magic, and the keepers of its wisdom.

    The Leafolk were born from the gentle embrace of sunlight and the essence of ancient trees. Each Leafolk possessed a distinct appearance, reflecting the diverse flora that adorned their woodland home. Some were adorned with vibrant autumnal hues, resembling leaves ablaze in fiery reds, oranges, and yellows. Others boasted delicate, pastel petals that mirrored the blossoms of spring. And a few displayed the lush greens of evergreen foliage, reflecting the endurance of the forest.

    With their limbs branching out like elegant tendrils, the Leafolk moved gracefully, their footsteps echoing the rustle of leaves in the wind. Their eyes, glowing like the first rays of dawn, revealed a profound connection to the living world around them. They possessed an innate understanding of the intricate balance of nature, harmonizing with the animals, plants, and spirits that inhabited the great forests.

    For centuries, the Leafolk had devoted themselves to the protection and preservation of their enchanted woodland realm. With a blend of gentle wisdom and fierce determination, they guarded the forest against those who sought to exploit its resources or disturb its delicate equilibrium. Through their ancient rituals and age-old chants, they harnessed the power of the land, mending wounded trees, healing wounded creatures, and restoring the natural order.

    They remained the eternal guardians of the woods, standing as a testament to the enduring power and beauty of the natural world.

    Released on Aug. 21, 2023


  • All 4 Leafolk, Willow, Birch, Ash & Oak 

    The supported files are "Old Man Willow"

    Patreon get 35% off models

    These enigmatic beings were the guardians of nature, the embodiment of the forest's magic, and the keepers of its wisdom.

    The Leafolk were born from the gentle embrace of sunlight and the essence of ancient trees. Each Leafolk possessed a distinct appearance, reflecting the diverse flora that adorned their woodland home. Some were adorned with vibrant autumnal hues, resembling leaves ablaze in fiery reds, oranges, and yellows. Others boasted delicate, pastel petals that mirrored the blossoms of spring. And a few displayed the lush greens of evergreen foliage, reflecting the endurance of the forest.

    With their limbs branching out like elegant tendrils, the Leafolk moved gracefully, their footsteps echoing the rustle of leaves in the wind. Their eyes, glowing like the first rays of dawn, revealed a profound connection to the living world around them. They possessed an innate understanding of the intricate balance of nature, harmonizing with the animals, plants, and spirits that inhabited the great forests.

    For centuries, the Leafolk had devoted themselves to the protection and preservation of their enchanted woodland realm. With a blend of gentle wisdom and fierce determination, they guarded the forest against those who sought to exploit its resources or disturb its delicate equilibrium. Through their ancient rituals and age-old chants, they harnessed the power of the land, mending wounded trees, healing wounded creatures, and restoring the natural order.

    They remained the eternal guardians of the woods, standing as a testament to the enduring power and beauty of the natural world.

    Released on Aug. 21, 2023


  • Part of the Buggy kit has a sub-chassis - the idea is that, this is a base and you'll be able to change the Car body

    and work with Moster, Muscle, roket buggy

    35% off older models with active patreon

    Released on Aug. 12, 2023


  • Part of the Buggy kit has a sub-chassis - the idea is that, this is a base and you'll be able to change the Car body

    and work with Moster, Racing, Muscle, roket buggy

    35% off older models with active patreon

    Released on Aug. 12, 2023


  • Patreons get 35% off older models

    Deep within the depths of the ancient forest, where shadows whisper secrets and the wind carries echoes of forgotten tales, resides Old Man Willow. This venerable tree possesses a spirit as old as time itself, its gnarled branches and weathered bark telling tales of bygone eras. 🍂🌿

    Released on July 10, 2023


  • Another car body (truck), raised the subs and ADDED MONSTER TRUCK WHEELS

    Patreons get 35% off

    " Now, the Monster Delivery Truck not only transported goods but also served as a fearsome weapon. Scar'a'dak's warriors loaded snarling grogs into the truck's compartments, ready to unleash them upon their foes. The enemy trembled at the sight of the monstrous truck hurtling towards them, its grog projectiles wreaking havoc. "

    MSRP $16.00

    Released on July 4, 2023


  • Just wanted to get this model out, there are more coming - please let me know how printing goes!

    Patreon get 35% off older models

    These enigmatic beings were the guardians of nature, the embodiment of the forest's magic, and the keepers of its wisdom.

    The Leafolk were born from the gentle embrace of sunlight and the essence of ancient trees. Each Leafolk possessed a distinct appearance, reflecting the diverse flora that adorned their woodland home. Some were adorned with vibrant autumnal hues, resembling leaves ablaze in fiery reds, oranges, and yellows. Others boasted delicate, pastel petals that mirrored the blossoms of spring. And a few displayed the lush greens of evergreen foliage, reflecting the endurance of the forest.

    With their limbs branching out like elegant tendrils, the Leafolk moved gracefully, their footsteps echoing the rustle of leaves in the wind. Their eyes, glowing like the first rays of dawn, revealed a profound connection to the living world around them. They possessed an innate understanding of the intricate balance of nature, harmonizing with the animals, plants, and spirits that inhabited the great forests.

    For centuries, the Leafolk had devoted themselves to the protection and preservation of their enchanted woodland realm. With a blend of gentle wisdom and fierce determination, they guarded the forest against those who sought to exploit its resources or disturb its delicate equilibrium. Through their ancient rituals and age-old chants, they harnessed the power of the land, mending wounded trees, healing wounded creatures, and restoring the natural order.

    They remained the eternal guardians of the woods, standing as a testament to the enduring power and beauty of the natural world.

    Released on June 15, 2023


  • Muscle Buggy has a sub-chassis - the idea this is a base and you'll be able to change the Car body

    35% off older models with active patreon

    MSRP $16.00

    Released on June 13, 2023


  • April Model

    Skull-Kings are said to be ancient and terrifying beings that lurk in the darkest corners of the world, feeding off the blood and souls of unsuspecting victims. They are said to be born of pure darkness, emerging from the void as twisted abominations with twisted, drawn bodies and glowing red eyes that pierce through the shadows.

    Said to possess an insatiable thirst for blood, which they extract from their victims using their razor-sharp fangs. But their hunger is not limited to mere physical sustenance - they also feed on the life force of their prey, sapping away at their vitality until nothing is left but an empty husk.

    To avoid detection, Skull-Kings are said to be incredibly stealthy, moving silently through the darkness and striking from the shadows. They are also said to possess powerful illusions and mind-controlling abilities, which they use to ensnare their victims and keep them docile.

    Despite their fearsome reputation, Skull-Kings are also said to be incredibly intelligent and cunning, capable of outwitting even the most skilled hunters and trackers. They are said to be immortal, never aging or dying of natural causes, and able to regenerate from even the most grievous injuries.

    Patreons get 35% off older models

    Released on April 5, 2023


  • March model

    patreons get 35% off older models

    Released on April 1, 2023


  • Armoured Trolls 2x (with and without a helmet) are the first model from Bulwark Fantasy range

    Active patrons get 35% off older models

    If you need the model in smaller parts let me know!

    Cheers Bulwark JIM

    Released on March 13, 2023


  • SO ERE IT IS - DA KICKASS WARBOSS machineee. Mowin' down the competition with deeze big bad wheels for hellish speed and HEAVY LAD for a SMASHIN' kill. Hope you guys are liking this as much as me...

    Patreons get 35% off older models

    Released on Feb. 1, 2023


  • 35% off all STLs if you're an active Patreon!

    MSRP $16.00

    Released on Jan. 30, 2023


  • Released on Dec. 23, 2022


  • 6 Heavy GOFFS they know their STUFF

    Released on Oct. 28, 2022


Showing 1 to 20 of 49 results

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