The Dakka Mechine - driven by The Bulwark mob

Released on: Aug. 30, 2022
Created by Bulwark Gaming

File Size Last
tracks1_1.obj 4.2 MB 30 Aug 2022
tracks_sub.obj 956.9 KB 30 Aug 2022
tracks.obj 4.2 MB 30 Aug 2022
gun.obj 2.8 MB 30 Aug 2022
car.obj 9.0 MB 30 Aug 2022
driver.obj 4.5 MB 30 Aug 2022
gunner_hands.obj 1.5 MB 30 Aug 2022
driver_head.obj 2.9 MB 30 Aug 2022
gunner_head.obj 3.5 MB 30 Aug 2022
base.obj 335.9 KB 30 Aug 2022
front_wheels_1.obj 1.8 MB 30 Aug 2022
front_wheels_.obj 1.8 MB 30 Aug 2022
ex_2.obj 1.8 MB 30 Aug 2022
Side_door.obj 871.6 KB 30 Aug 2022
ex1.obj 1013.7 KB 30 Aug 2022
front.obj 14.8 MB 30 Aug 2022
gunner.obj 14.1 MB 30 Aug 2022

Have you ever experienced road rage - ever need to exact vengeance when racing across a desolate plain?

Now you can - with style....

The Dakka is the new Vehicle from Bulwark Industries - With a top mount dakka - with the capability of MOAR DAKKA

( maybe never enough dakka)*

Patreon model of the month for - AUG and SEPT (I'm on hols in sept)
Pateons get 35% off older models