
Released on: April 5, 2023
Created by Bulwark Gaming

File Size Last
Base1.obj 347.7 KB 05 Apr 2023
Base2.obj 509.4 KB 05 Apr 2023
Base.obj 10.6 MB 05 Apr 2023
Head_B.obj 12.1 MB 05 Apr 2023
Head_C.obj 15.7 MB 05 Apr 2023
Wings_A.obj 5.0 MB 05 Apr 2023
Wings_A1.obj 4.9 MB 05 Apr 2023
Wings_B.obj 5.0 MB 05 Apr 2023
wings_C.obj 4.3 MB 05 Apr 2023
Wings_B1.obj 4.6 MB 05 Apr 2023
wings_C1.obj 4.7 MB 05 Apr 2023
Body_C.obj 17.8 MB 05 Apr 2023
Body_B.obj 24.4 MB 05 Apr 2023
BodyA.obj 9.6 MB 05 Apr 2023
Head_A.obj 12.8 MB 05 Apr 2023

April Model

Skull-Kings are said to be ancient and terrifying beings that lurk in the darkest corners of the world, feeding off the blood and souls of unsuspecting victims. They are said to be born of pure darkness, emerging from the void as twisted abominations with twisted, drawn bodies and glowing red eyes that pierce through the shadows.

Said to possess an insatiable thirst for blood, which they extract from their victims using their razor-sharp fangs. But their hunger is not limited to mere physical sustenance - they also feed on the life force of their prey, sapping away at their vitality until nothing is left but an empty husk.

To avoid detection, Skull-Kings are said to be incredibly stealthy, moving silently through the darkness and striking from the shadows. They are also said to possess powerful illusions and mind-controlling abilities, which they use to ensnare their victims and keep them docile.

Despite their fearsome reputation, Skull-Kings are also said to be incredibly intelligent and cunning, capable of outwitting even the most skilled hunters and trackers. They are said to be immortal, never aging or dying of natural causes, and able to regenerate from even the most grievous injuries.

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