Melee ExpansionPack #1

Released on: Dec. 4, 2022
Created by PiperMakes

File Size Last
Renders 15 items
Can Be Scaled 11 items
Not Scaled 7 items 45.5 MB 12 Dec 2022 59.3 MB 12 Dec 2022 62.6 MB 12 Dec 2022 68.8 MB 12 Dec 2022 86.0 MB 12 Dec 2022 66.5 MB 12 Dec 2022
BuildGuide 2 items 43.5 MB 10 Feb 2023 43.5 MB 10 Feb 2023 71.8 MB 10 Feb 2023 62.7 MB 10 Feb 2023

Do not attempt to download the overarching folder for the supported files, the zip archives inside need to be downloaded separately.

This is a bit of a hard pack to go through, it's really just me modeling out a bunch of melee weapons to kinda unwind from the bigger kits. This is easily one of the most...self indulgent sets that I've done with some pretty large biases towards the more absurd. That said while a lot of the pack falls in line with that theme of things, there's a lot of utility in some off the updated/added bits. For instance, I've finally added some generic auxiliary arms for holding weapons/sheaths/etc. There's also a ball jointed version of each style of arm for the Koi/Mako/Commander, because at the end of the day, it's just more poseable then a single jointed elbow. This includes undermounts, and a shield post lower arm as well, (you can see all of these bits in the main bits spread image.) All the generic undermount weapons now have a version that allows for the attachment of a shield if you're so inclined, and I've added a handful of previous and tweaked shields.

I tried to include a render of most of the main weapons assembled and posed, but there's really just, a lot xD just like the parts count which is around 200 this time x'D
As is usually the case, supported files for this will be added once I get them.
This kit is scaled to the commander, but should be scaling compatible with most of the other its that have a socketed hand joint with some scaling. (there's a rough guide for that in the kit)

There's a lot of utility here, and I'm excited to see what people do with this. I don't think this will be the last time I do something like this as it seems that it's been received pretty well, which makes me incredibly happy to say the least~
I might actually paint a mini or two from this one xD

(I've rendered the poses with the HindsightV.2 kit (not included in this pack))