Showing 1 to 20 of 72 results

  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    Base unit VoidFrames and their answer for mild incursions. The [VAC] Class Voidframes are the simpler units seen coming from "The-Space-In-Between." Usually comprised of base frames or the slightly more armored Assault variants, they make up the usual fare one sees when a force is on the move, or preparing for something large.

    This is a fairly large multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a wide range of styles/uses.
    All previous Non-V2 frames will need to be scaled down to .9, but should otherwise be interchangeable post scaling~
    V1 Frame available here at a discounted price:


    Released on March 1, 2025


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folders here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up instead of trying to download everything at once~

    The Nephrocor kit is a multipart modular construct builder. A larger Artillery platform.

    Supports by Atlas3DSS. Tested by Poyper.


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2025


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folders here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up instead of trying to download everything at once~

    The Asusield kit is a multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a handful of different styles/uses. An essential Weapons platform that covers predominantly ranged weapons. Everything is for the most part, interchangeable. Most of the pieces in this kit can mix with the Lorcor scaled kits and vice versa.
    Please read the Included Buildguide as this one has some nuance to assembly.

    Supports by Atlas3DSS. Tested by Me.


    Released on Jan. 1, 2025


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folders here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up instead of trying to download everything at once~

    The Nulsidhe kit is a multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a handful of melee styles/uses. Mostly consisting of close range themed parts, everything is interchangeable. Most of the pieces in this kit can mix with the other infantry scaled kits without any scaling~

    Files are to be supported by Atlas3DSS, and will be added once I get them back from them~


    Released on Dec. 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the folders here, and downloading the individual archives, to keep things from hanging up instead of trying to download everything at once~

    The Myriacor kit is another pseudo vanity model I've wanted to do for forever. I just was never sure I'd be able to makes something I was satisfied with in CAD, but I can say that I shouldn't have been so worried xD.
    This is another multipart modular construct. It isn't quite as flexible as other kits, but should add for some more interesting kit bashes~

    Supports by Atlas3DSS, tested by me~


    Released on Nov. 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folders here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up instead of trying to download everything at once~

    The Dynastecor kit is a multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a handful of different styles/uses. From the base longer range frames, to more up close and melee themed, everything is interchangeable. This kit is cross compatible with the existing Wercor kit, and with a scaling of .8 becomes mostly interchangeable with the other infantry scale kits~

    Supports by Atlas3DSS (Will be added once I've got them back and tested)


    Released on Oct. 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    The Coleocor kit is a mid scale multipart modular construct (shown on a 64mm base) builder with a couple of assembly options, everything being fairly poseable as well, and with (some)scaling pretty compatible with existing voidframe kits~
    This one's a bit more simple then the smaller frame options, but there will be more kits based around this construct to come~

    Files are Pre-supported by Atlas3DSS~

    Released on Sept. 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folders here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up instead of trying to download everything at once~

    They're just some lil' guys, jus some smol buds~
    (Supported by Atlas3DSS)

    Released on Aug. 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folders here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up instead of trying to download everything at once~

    The Solis kit is a multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a handful of different styles/uses. From the base longer range frames, to more up close and melee themed, everything is interchangeable. Most of the pieces in this kit can mix with the other infantry scaled kits without any scaling~

    Supports by Atlas3DSS


    Released on Aug. 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    The Osteos kit is a multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a handful of different styles/uses (mostly BoneReaper themed). From the base longer range frames, to more up close and melee themed, everything is interchangeable. Everything in this kit can mix with the other infantry scaled kits without any scaling~

    Supports by Atlas3DSS


    Released on July 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    The Hafoc kit is a multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a handful of different styles/uses (mostly aerial themed). From base frames to specialty squad leaders, everything is interchangeable. Everything in this kit can mix with the other infantry scaled kits withoout any scaling~
    Supported by Atlas3DSS


    Released on June 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    The Transcor kit is a larger scale multipart modular construct (shown on a 145mm base even if it doesn't technically need one) builder with a couple of assembly options, and everything is fairly poseable as well. This one's a bit more simple then the smaller frame options, but there will be more kits based around this frame to come~

    Files are Pre-supported by Atlas3DSS

    Released on May 1, 2024


  • The bonus pieces for the lovely folks that were subbed throughout the march gap month~

    This kit does not include the base Lorcor pieces, however the pre-plate will build the full kit pictured. The rest of the loose parts can be found in the base Lorcor kit, and this can be considered an add on to the Lorcor kit:

    Released on April 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    The Lorcor kit is a fairly sized multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a handful of different styles/uses (Both ranged and close ranged). From base frames to specialty squad leaders, or army centerpiecces, everything is interchangeable. These will also mix and match with future planned units as well as be universally scaled~

    Released on April 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    The Skorcian kit is a fairly sized multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a handful of different styles/uses (mostly Melee themed). From base frames to specialty squad leaders, everything is interchangeable. These will also mix and match with future planned units as well as be universally scaled~

    Released on Feb. 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    They appear from nothing, portals tearing open from "The-Space-In-Between." glowing an eerie teal in the darkness. Rending foes asunder with hooks and blades made from an eldritch energy. and just as quickly had they appeared before us, they vanished back into those same portals.

    The Aracort kit fairly sized multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a handful of different styles/uses. From base frames to specialty squad leaders, everything is interchangeable. These will also mix and match with future planned units as well as be universally scaled~

    Released on Jan. 1, 2024


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    The Nulphos [PHOS] Class VoidConstruct are light skimmer constructs that zip around the field. Eerily, they move silently through the engagement, with only the sounds of their weapons fire ringing out.

    This is a multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a wide range of styles/uses. Most things are interchangeable to an extent, or called out as such in the build guide~ These will also mix and match with future and past units as well as the previous.

    (Pre-Supported Files by Atlas3DSS are in the works)

    Released on Dec. 1, 2023


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    The Wercor [WER] Class VoidFrame act as the Heavier support of the VoidCrafted's lighter Vacarsield Frames. More then capable of both ranged and close quarters operations, They move silently through the engagement. Ominous and terrifying, yet utterly graceful.

    This is a fairly large multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a wide range of styles/uses. Everything is interchangeable to an extent, or called out as such in the build guide~ These will also mix and match with future planned units as well as the previous. But require scaling to fit with smaller frames (.8/80%)

    (Pre-Supported Files by Atlas3DSS)

    Released on Nov. 1, 2023


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    The Arcus [ARC] Class VoidFrame act as the forward scouts of the VoidCrafted. More then capable of long range operations, these frames appear and disappear from "The-Space-In-Between." picking off targets as needed to secure an advantageous position for the main forces.

    This is a fairly large multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a wide range of styles/uses. Everything is interchangeable. to an extent or called out as such in the build guide~ These will also mix and match with future planned units as well as the previous.

    All files Pre-Supoported by Atlas3DSS and test printed by me to ensure fitment~

    Released on Oct. 1, 2023


  • For download, I recommend expanding the RAW folder here, and downloading the individual folders, to keep things from hanging up~

    The Luminora Class VoidFrame act as the main guiding force for the more commonly seen VoidFrames. Ushering them out from their home "The-Space-In-Between." to the material plane. The [LUM] Class VoidFrames can be seen orchestrating larger movements, and weaving space in such a way that almost looks graceful, albeit, unnatural.

    This is a fairly large multipart modular frame builder with plenty of options to cover a wide range of styles/uses. Everything is interchangeable. to an extent or called out as such in the build guide~ These will also mix and match with future planned units as well as the previous.

    All files Pre-Supoported by Atlas3DSS and test printed by me to ensure fitment~

    Released on Sept. 1, 2023


Showing 1 to 20 of 72 results

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