Leafolk Old Man Willow

Released on: July 10, 2023
Created by Bulwark Gaming

File Size Last
B_arm.obj 23.4 MB 10 Jul 2023
B_arm2.obj 25.6 MB 10 Jul 2023
B_head.obj 30.4 MB 10 Jul 2023
B_leafs_B_leafs2_B_leaf3.stl 135.9 MB 10 Jul 2023
B_leg.obj 49.9 MB 10 Jul 2023
B_leafs.obj 42.7 MB 10 Jul 2023
B_leafs2.obj 38.5 MB 10 Jul 2023
B_leaf3.obj 6.9 MB 10 Jul 2023
leaf_Base.obj 1.5 MB 10 Jul 2023
B_body_leg.obj 54.4 MB 10 Jul 2023

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Deep within the depths of the ancient forest, where shadows whisper secrets and the wind carries echoes of forgotten tales, resides Old Man Willow. This venerable tree possesses a spirit as old as time itself, its gnarled branches and weathered bark telling tales of bygone eras. 🍂🌿