Elfdar Ancients Transport 1


File Size Last
Fore hull.stl 6.8 MB 30 Jan 2022
Full.lys 4.6 MB 30 Jan 2022
Full supported r2.stl 15.1 MB 30 Jan 2022
Rear Hull.stl 4.9 MB 30 Jan 2022

These are based off the really old concept sketches for the Space Fleet models. This is transport sized (~40 mm long). Supported and plain files.

These will proxy in BFG for a standard transport.

Please note that you are not able to sell prints of these files. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

2021-12-22 - In my personal print the engine nacelles didn't come out properly, I've added even more supports. Also thickened up the edges of the forward hull near the engine nacelles as these were too thin on my print.