Elfdar Ancients Escort 1


File Size Last
Shadowhunter impaler supported_double_raft.stl 13.6 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter phantom supported_double_raft_v2.stl 17.6 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter torp supported_double_raft_v2.stl 13.6 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter WB supported_double_raft_v2.stl 5.0 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter torp supported.stl 16.9 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter phantom supported.stl 20.9 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter impaler supported.stl 16.9 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter WB supported.stl 9.0 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter Impaler v2.3mf 4.1 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter Torp v2.3mf 4.1 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter Phantom v1.3mf 5.4 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunter v17.3mf 1.4 MB 30 Jan 2022
Shadowhunters.chitubox 46.0 MB 30 Jan 2022

These are based off the really old concept sketches for the Space Fleet models. This is escort sized (~40 mm long), and comes with several different weapons fits: Torpedo tubes, lances, or a assault module nose. Supported and plain files.

The mesh is a bit manky, let me know if it's coming out in the print. I'll update it if/when Autodesk fixes the issue.

These will proxy in BFG for Shadowhunters, or for Corsair class escorts. And maybe one day there will be specific rules! Or you could just play Space Fleet ;)

Please note that you are not able to sell prints of these files. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

2021-12-04 - Big shout out to DoubleBaseFanatic who has test printed and re-supported these for transparent resins which are much more fussy about support proximity.