Elfdar Ancients Cruiser 1


File Size Last
C01 (Lance) v2 hull.stl 28.3 MB 30 Jan 2022
C01 (Lance) v2.stl 31.2 MB 30 Jan 2022
C01 (Launch Bays) v2 hull.stl 27.6 MB 30 Jan 2022
C01 (Launch Bays) v2.stl 30.5 MB 30 Jan 2022
C01 (Torpedo) v3 hull.stl 27.2 MB 30 Jan 2022
C01 (Torpedo) v3.stl 30.1 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail front v9.stl 2.1 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail middle v4.stl 2.5 MB 30 Jan 2022
C01 v2.chitubox 86.1 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail rear v7.stl 1.7 MB 30 Jan 2022
_C01 lance supported v2.stl 36.9 MB 30 Jan 2022
_C01 launch bay supported v2.stl 36.2 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail Medium v5 supported.stl 4.1 MB 30 Jan 2022
_C01 torpedo supported v2.stl 35.8 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail Medium v5.stl 2.9 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail Small Medium v8 supported.stl 2.8 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail Small Medium v8.stl 2.0 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail Small v10 supported.stl 3.4 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail Small v10.stl 2.2 MB 30 Jan 2022

These are based off the really old concept sketchs for the Space Fleet models. This is cruiser sized (~90 mm long), and comes with several different weapons fits: Torpedo tubes, lances, or launch chutes. Supported and plain files.

These will proxy in BFG for Dragonships for the Batteries/Torps, and Batteries/Launch bay sets. And maybe one day there will be specific rules! Or you could just play Space Fleet ;)

Please note that you are not able to sell prints of these files. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

2021-10-17 - Revised the sails to make them thicker and also tweaked the supports on the very bottom of the hulls after my test prints.