Elfdar Ancients Battleship 1


File Size Last
Lower Prow v19 v1 supported.stl 31.6 MB 30 Jan 2022
BB01_v51_v1.chitubox 80.2 MB 30 Jan 2022
Lower Prow v19 v1.stl 19.9 MB 30 Jan 2022
Prow v11 v1.stl 18.7 MB 30 Jan 2022
Prow v11 v1 supported.stl 30.0 MB 30 Jan 2022
Rear Hull v51 v1.stl 29.7 MB 30 Jan 2022
Rear Hull v51 v1 supported.stl 39.0 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail Large v4 supported.stl 6.4 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail Large v4.stl 4.9 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail set.lys 7.6 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail Medium v5 supported.stl 4.1 MB 30 Jan 2022
Sail Medium v5.stl 2.9 MB 30 Jan 2022

These are based off the really old concept sketches for the Space Fleet models. This is battleship sized (~130 mm long). Supported and plain files.

These will proxy in BFG for a Wyrm. And maybe one day there will be specific rules! Or you could just play Space Fleet ;)

Please note that you are not able to sell prints of these files. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.