EclipseV2 (PatreonExclusiveDec)

Released on: Dec. 24, 2021
Created by PiperMakes

File Size Last
EclipseV2_Renders 6 items
EclipseV2_SupportedSTLs 20 items
EclipseV2_RawSTLs 11 items
LICENSE STUFF.txt 1.2 KB 10 Feb 2022

This was a piece that I worked on for a bit in the background based off of that one very popular anime image of a certain commander...

I've wanted to make my own version of this for a really long time, but I can't sculpt the peoples, so I reached out to, and commissioned MinigamesMiniatures to model the fleshy fleshy bits for me so I could then cut them up, and build the armor around it, and I'm pretty pleased with the end result even if it is a bit of a meme~

Happy Holidays everybody~
