Alces Pattern Strike Cruiser Mk. 1a


File Size Last
Chaos Rear Upper Hull v39.stl 1.0 MB 24 Apr 2022
CSM Prow (Cannons) v5.stl 1.2 MB 24 Apr 2022
CSM Midsection v17.stl 2.0 MB 24 Apr 2022
CSM Prow (Torpedoes) v4.stl 912.7 KB 24 Apr 2022
CSM Prow v19.stl 998.2 KB 24 Apr 2022
CSM Strike Mk1a r3.lys 2.6 MB 24 Apr 2022
CSM Strike Mk1a r3 hull.stl 5.8 MB 24 Apr 2022
CSM Strike prow cannons Mk1a r3 supported.stl 1.7 MB 24 Apr 2022
CSM Strike prow Mk1a r3 supported.stl 1.5 MB 24 Apr 2022
CSM Strike prow torpedoes Mk1a r3 supported.stl 1.4 MB 24 Apr 2022

Suitable in size and armament to be a stand in for a strike cruiser for the classic tabletop wargame Battlefleet Gothic. This version has some of the detail bulked out, and the addition of torpedo and cannon prows.

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