Akkadian Pattern Cruisers


File Size Last
Acheron Wing v5.stl 2.0 MB 19 Jul 2023
Acheron Wing v5 supported.stl 3.0 MB 19 Jul 2023
Carnage Wing Integrated v3 supported.stl 14.4 MB 19 Jul 2023
Carnage Wing Integrated v3.stl 13.2 MB 19 Jul 2023
Devastation Wing v5 supported.stl 2.9 MB 19 Jul 2023
Devastation Wing v5.stl 1.9 MB 19 Jul 2023
Hecate Wing v4 supported.stl 7.0 MB 19 Jul 2023
Hecate Wing v4.stl 6.0 MB 19 Jul 2023
Hull HC A supported.stl 9.6 MB 19 Jul 2023
Hull HC A.stl 6.3 MB 19 Jul 2023
Hull HC B.stl 5.4 MB 19 Jul 2023
Hull HC B supported.stl 8.7 MB 19 Jul 2023
Inferno Wing v3 supported.stl 5.6 MB 19 Jul 2023
Inferno Wing v3.stl 4.5 MB 19 Jul 2023
Main Hull A v5 supported.stl 6.3 MB 19 Jul 2023
Main Hull A v5.stl 3.2 MB 19 Jul 2023
Main Hull B v7.stl 6.5 MB 19 Jul 2023
Main Hull B v7 supported.stl 9.7 MB 19 Jul 2023
Main Hull C v1.stl 7.2 MB 19 Jul 2023
Main Hull C v1 supported.stl 10.3 MB 19 Jul 2023
Murder Wing Bay v5 supported.stl 5.9 MB 19 Jul 2023
Murder Wing Bay v5.stl 5.2 MB 19 Jul 2023
Murder Wing Integrated v6 supported.stl 18.5 MB 19 Jul 2023
Murder Wing Integrated v6.stl 17.5 MB 19 Jul 2023
Styx Wing v4 supported.stl 1.7 MB 19 Jul 2023
Styx Wing v4.stl 763.4 KB 19 Jul 2023
Wing Std Bay v3 supported.stl 2.6 MB 19 Jul 2023
Wing Std Bay v3.stl 2.0 MB 19 Jul 2023

Sleek and well armed, these Akkadian cruisers are more than a match for their Imperial counterparts.

These models are around 95 mm long. There are 5 hull variants and 8 wing variants which can make ships compatible with Battlefleet Gothic, FTL, A Billion Suns, etc.

Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.