Showing 41 to 60 of 72 results

  • Do not attempt to download the overarching folder for the supported files, the zip archives inside need to be downloaded separately.

    This is a bit of a hard pack to go through, it's really just me modeling out a bunch of melee weapons to kinda unwind from the bigger kits. This is easily one of the most...self indulgent sets that I've done with some pretty large biases towards the more absurd. That said while a lot of the pack falls in line with that theme of things, there's a lot of utility in some off the updated/added bits. For instance, I've finally added some generic auxiliary arms for holding weapons/sheaths/etc. There's also a ball jointed version of each style of arm for the Koi/Mako/Commander, because at the end of the day, it's just more poseable then a single jointed elbow. This includes undermounts, and a shield post lower arm as well, (you can see all of these bits in the main bits spread image.) All the generic undermount weapons now have a version that allows for the attachment of a shield if you're so inclined, and I've added a handful of previous and tweaked shields.

    I tried to include a render of most of the main weapons assembled and posed, but there's really just, a lot xD just like the parts count which is around 200 this time x'D
    As is usually the case, supported files for this will be added once I get them.
    This kit is scaled to the commander, but should be scaling compatible with most of the other its that have a socketed hand joint with some scaling. (there's a rough guide for that in the kit)

    There's a lot of utility here, and I'm excited to see what people do with this. I don't think this will be the last time I do something like this as it seems that it's been received pretty well, which makes me incredibly happy to say the least~
    I might actually paint a mini or two from this one xD

    (I've rendered the poses with the HindsightV.2 kit (not included in this pack))

    Released on Dec. 4, 2022


  • I'm on time this month xD with the Odonata class Aerial Combat Mech. I've rendered here a few angles on the overall bits spread, a group render and a couple singles to try and showcase some of the variance in the kit. Everything here should be cross compatible with the previous Goby kits, so if for whatever reason you vibe more with the Goby then the Odonata, you can mix and match to make your perfect lil 'guys. I've also included a few bases with stands for these guys, but I definitely recommend using a 2mm or similar acrylic rod for these. These stands magnet to the included bases with a 5x1 or a 5x2mm magnet. Like the previous (mostly) preposed kits, there will be a t-posed version of the Odonata available in case you want to do your own posing. I didn't think this would have as many bits as it currently does but that's just the way things go sometimes xD

    I look forward to seeing what gets made with these, as I had a lot of fun modeling something a bit more out there.

    Released on Nov. 1, 2022


  • All of the holdover pieces from the Narwhal are in the Narwhal Pieces folder, this includes things like the Main Barrels/Energy Capacitors/Etc

    The Orca is a beastly kit at almost 100 pieces to the kit and around 100+ pieces per assembly general assembly. Not including supports or hollowing, each Orca is around 450-500ml or resin as an estimate from Lychee. It is big, and I've rendered it alongside some of my previous mecha (The OG Narwhal, Koi (who is just happy to be here), Sturgeon, and Watchmen Gobies for scale reference. Not Included with the Orca Kit.) I'm honestly quite proud of the final with all the ways it can be built which are too numerous for me to render out. Not shown are the underarm mounts for the sub weapons/missiles, and a few other bits and bobs.

    I know I say every time that I'm excited to see what folks will do with this one, but I am really excited to see what folks do with this kit, be it scaling up or down, mixing and matching.

    Released on Oct. 1, 2022


  • Collaboration Statuette between me and my bud Gearguts.
    You can find more of Geargut's models here, as well as the actual kit for this Orky mech. Consider giving him a look as his stuff's pretty rad!


    Released on Sept. 1, 2022


  • DISCLAIMER: Some pieces on this kit fit a bit tightly initially and require a little bit of work to mesh properly. This is mostly with the interaction between the engines and body joint and a few of the wing inserts, some light sanding, or in the engine's case, a few rotations will clear out the slot~

    That said, the StoneFish multi-role flier is a multi part vehicle kit to assemble various versions in a bomber or fighter config as well as accompanying escort drones.
    PreSupported by Atlas3DSS and the base is preplated by me.

    Released on Sept. 1, 2022


  • Released on Aug. 1, 2022


  • The Mako Class Assault Mech. Equipped to handle most *hazards* in the field.
    This is a fairly chunky 60ish piece kit, and can be assembled in a ton of different ways and combinations. As in the koi kit and the possibilities abound~
    Almost all of the main pieces and weapons are interchangeable with the Koi class mech (no part scaling needed)

    Once I get the pre-supports tested I'll be adding them up as usual. As always pre-supports are done by the lovely Atlas3DSS, and pre-plated files are set up by me.
    I hope you enjoy this one, and I'm excited to see what kind of combos you all can come up with.

    Released on July 1, 2022


  • The Betta class light skimmer drone's come to rumble. A fairly customizable platform and a rude set of weapon options make the Betta skimmer as scrappy as its namesake.
    Also included is the Plakat class Monowheel. equally as versatile as the Betta platform, the monowheel is primarily a light scouting vehicle able to be outfitted for mild confrontations.

    It took me a little bit to refine the design to a place where I was content with it, and the more I sit with it, the more customizable options I realize can be made with this one. It's almost like adding on more kits opens more possibilities or something. Everything is ball jointed and so with scaling works with most of the previous kits. I'm excited to see what kinda stuff you all can cook up~


    Released on May 3, 2022


  • Here to help all your Goby frames find religion. Robot Religion.

    I have wanted to do a mech that incorporates the aesthetic of the hagoromo almost for as long as I've been working on this project and I finally go to x'D This is also the first time that I've actively tried to get fusion360 to do cloth.

    All parts are compatible with the previous two goby kits (with the exception that the Cardinal body (front or back) might have some issues with some of the existing Fronts/backpacks.

    Presupported by Atlas as always, I've separated each pose to its own individual folder, you only need to add the body/head/and whichever back you want to use. I tried to make everything work regardless of the backpack, but poses like the Wukong one just look better with the 6 arms (imho)

    That said I am really pleased with how these came out and the poses I got with 'em. And I'm excited to see 'em painted up~

    Released on April 12, 2022


  • (Do not try to download this all at once, it will fail. Download each section individually.)

    (Do not repair the files with Lychee it will cause bits to not print/fail. Lychee really doesn't like the legs for whatever reason. I've test printed everything in lychee without reparing the files and beenn 100% fine in doing so. I've tested everything unrepaired and had no issues.)

    Finally, the craving to build a massive amount of drones can be quelled~ The Guppies have gone under a bit of a makeover, combining both the aesthetics of the originals and the Calappas into one highly customizable kit~ With options for land and air, and various purposes, you can assemble quite the drone force, and with a few bits that work with previous releases (Cichlid frame grav tank and the gobies) so much can be done, and I can't wait to see what kinda cool things you all can come up with~

    As always supported by the lovely Atlas3DSS, no preplates for this one as there's just too much variation, so I'll leave that up to you guys.
    (Currently waiting on a set of pre-posed terrestrial legs that I put together at the last minute, I will update this fileset once I get those back and tested)


    Released on April 3, 2022


  • Have you ever really wanted to be,
    A total rebel flipping tanks on the enemy?

    Did you ever try to further improve,
    How fast you punch Chapter Masters through the roof?

    Was there ever any certain time,
    When you thought brute force and style combine?

    I guess now it's time to shine,
    GrabbyHands are here.

    This is an upgrade set for the Commander frame and Koi mech kits~ It is just the Arms. You still need the CommanderFrame/KoiKit for this.

    Released on March 6, 2022


  • (Do not try to download this all at once, it will fail. Download each section individually.)

    (Do not repair the files with Lychee it will cause bits to not print/fail. Lychee really doesn't like the legs for whatever reason. I've test printed everything in lychee without reparing the files and beenn 100% fine in doing so. I've tested everything unrepaired and had no issues.)

    These are the Watchman variant Goby Frame scouting drones. A further iteration of me not being able to model organics. There's 100+ bits and oh so many combinations. A little bit more pre-posed then my usual stuff but at this scale it's what makes the most sense. and as always, two and four arm variants.
    The undermount pieces are slotted for a 1mm magnet but at this scale they might need to drilled out a bit to fit. I haven't tested that as I don't personally intend to magnetize them

    I really hope you enjoy this kit. Between this and the Firefish Goby variant there is a ton of possibility for completely customized units~

    Released on March 1, 2022


  • (Do not try to download this all at once, it will fail. (Probably))
    (Do not repair the files with Lychee it will cause bits to not print. Lychee really doesn't like the legs for whatever reason. I've test printed everything in lychee without reparing the files and beenn 100% fine in doing so.)
    These are the Goby Frame infantry drones. My answer to not being able to model organics. There's 100+ bits and oh so many combinations. A little bit more pre-posed then my usual stuff but at this scale it's what makes the most sense. (there's a fileset of the pieces separate (T-Pose) so they can be posed and exported in something like blender if you need something a bit more custom) and as always, two and four arm variants.
    The undermount pieces are slotted for a 1mm magnet but at this scale they might need to drilled out a bit to fit. I haven't tested that as I don't personally intend to magnetize them

    I really hope you enjoy this take on a fully mechanized infantry unit, I actually had a pretty good time making it~

    Released on Feb. 2, 2022


  • So for the new year I bring to the table one of my more...ambitious projects. A battlefield commander frame that can be outfitted with either the Arowana or Marlin M.A.S (Modular Armor System). Which is definitely not a reference to the Zoids CAS...

    It's honestly kind of hard for me to sum this kit up. There's just too much stuff for me to render.

    All of the frame armor is slotted for magnets, and can be swapped and interchanged as needed/wanted~ and then there's weapon configs xD Shoulder weapon mounting, undermounting, flat mounting, held heavy weapons, shields that can be printed solid, or in pieces for clear resin, energy blades that can be done the same, wings, thrusters etc...It's a lot. And I love all of it xD


    Released on Jan. 1, 2022


  • This is a multipart kit modeled around the base FishFrame. Along with the other kits all the pieces can be swapped around as needed to fulfil various roles on the battlefield. Almost everything in this kit is magnetized for ease of use.

    Supported by Atlas3DSS and pre-plated by me.


    Released on Dec. 1, 2021


  • This is a multipart kit modeled around the base FishFrame. Along with the other kits all the pieces can be swapped around as needed to fulfil various roles on the battlefield. Almost everything in this kit is magnetized for ease of use.

    Supported by Atlas3DSS and pre-plated by me (PENDING AS OF 12.5.20)


    Released on Dec. 1, 2021


  • This is a koi equivalent quad drone that I put together for anyone wanting both a quad mech, and a drone equivalent to the ArcherFish.
    (Note that this might not be able to emulate all available loadouts to the Archerfish. This is mostly a bonus to the 'Koma Drone and isn't a 100% analog.)

    Supported by the lovely atlas, I didn't preplate this as there are a bunch of optional pieces to choose, and it's overall assembly is fairly straightforward~

    I hope you have fun with this one, so many missiles.

    Released on Dec. 1, 2021


  • This is the Narwhal Heavy Weapons Platform. A unison of Mind and AI, that work in together to command overwhelming firepower.

    This kit comes with both a long and short barrel variation, magnetizable pilons for retracted and deployed states, honestly there's so much magnetization in this kit, from the main cannons rotation, to the auxiliary weapons at the front, alternate missile plates at the rear (Full stock/Various fired/and sometime later, *currently firing*) etc.etc.

    Pre-supports by Atlas3DSS and pre-plated files set up by me.

    This one ran another collab with Crucible of Games with an absolutely massive 185mm display base, as well as a couple of 2pi Operators geared out for the Narwhal's cockpit~

    I'm just, really jazzed about this one, it was a huge effort but definitely worth it in the end I think~


    Released on Nov. 5, 2021


  • With the successful introduction of the Calappa series drones, development on the 'Koma pattern started almost immediately with the age old question of "What if it were bigger?"

    This is a koi equivalent quad drone that I put together for anyone wanting both a quad mech, and a drone equivalent to the koi. I think this scratches both itches, and has a fair amount of customization, from a handful of heads, to 3 or 4 leg variants, there should be a bit of everything from the koi here. (there's even an adapter that lets you use the lower half of the 'koma, and the upper half of the koi together in Quad mech harmony~
    Supported by the lovely atlas, I didn't preplate this as there are a bunch of optional pieces to choose, and it's overall assembly is fairly straightforward~

    I hope you have fun with this one, I had a good time building mine,

    Released on Oct. 1, 2021


  • you better watch out.

    You Better Watch Out.


    He's coming. He's Coming. He's Coming.

    Hey Y'all, I bring to you on this fine morning some rad files for a big sneaky fish. So big in fact that if you want something a little closer to stock I'd recommend printing at 80% scale. (Test printed everything both 100% and 80%) The Sneaky drone does not need to be scaled~

    This is a massive 35+ piece kit that I hope you enjoy as much as I did, I'm very pleased with the end results~

    As always everything is Pre-supported by the lovely Atlas3Dss (And the drones supported by yours truly) The AnglerGeist is Pre-Plated by me for both 2 armed and 4 armed Variants. (the two armed variant will need two of the docked drone files (or undocked I'm not your mom))



    Released on June 4, 2021


Showing 41 to 60 of 72 results

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