Ze'on Sept Battlesuit

Released on: April 1, 2022
Created by LeesedRenfort

File Size Last
Lychee 55 items
Unsupported 54 items
supported 56 items
Zaku Back mount flamer.lys 580.7 KB 23 Mar 2022

The forces of the Ze'on sept will soon bring their weapons to war, and not for any good greater than their own. This multi part poseable battle suit model kit will fill your needs for any crisis, no matter it's role. Parts are scaled to fit standard tabletop anime style battle suits and fit well on a standard 50mm bases as shown in the pics. This kit comes with 54 parts that can be mixed and matched for different mecha styles and weapon loadouts. 7 different types of guns in hand or back mount styles, plus melee knuckledusters and more.