Terran Battlesuits

Released on: Feb. 1, 2023
Created by LeesedRenfort

File Size Last
Lychee files.zip 16.4 MB 30 Jan 2023
Presupported.zip 46.7 MB 30 Jan 2023
Unsupported.zip 36.6 MB 30 Jan 2023
Extra Guns.zip 100.7 MB 30 Jan 2023

The Federation has upped its ground game with the terran GtG and 8th Battle suits. This kit will provide all the parts necessary to make many differently posed battlesuits for your tabletop games.

All parts are pre-supported and include Lychee files.

Models are scaled for 28mm gaming. They have been scaled to my preferences and re-scaling may be required to fit your particular needs