Start of Battle - Chaotic Energy Generator

Released on: Nov. 1, 2022
Created by Eons of Battle

File Size Last
connector.obj 88.3 KB 04 Nov 2022
connector_vent.obj 2.0 MB 04 Nov 2022
base.obj 5.8 MB 04 Nov 2022
leg_vent.obj 4.4 MB 04 Nov 2022
Leg_woutSkull2.obj 4.4 MB 04 Nov 2022
Leg_wSkull.obj 3.7 MB 04 Nov 2022
light.obj 7.7 MB 04 Nov 2022

This terrain piece is inspired by the Dawn of War Chaos Plasma Generator. All parts are rotated and placed for the best quality please print them in that orientation. The majority can be printed in FDM with some lights and vents that would be better out of resin.