Star Pharaoh Gigaskorp Annihilator


File Size Last
Gigaskorp Annihilator Head 1.stl 4.1 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Head 2.stl 4.1 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Hex Megablaster.stl 17.1 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator L-Arm 1.stl 4.2 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Khopesh Kollapser.stl 12.4 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator L-Arm 2.stl 4.5 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Skorp L-Pincer 1.stl 376.3 KB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Skorp Body.stl 3.8 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Skorp R-Pincer 1.stl 405.4 KB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Skorp Tai 2.stl 1.5 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Skorp Tai 1.stl 1.5 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Skorp Tail Stinger.stl 1.9 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Standing L-Legs .stl 14.7 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Torso.stl 2.7 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Upper Spine.stl 773.0 KB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Standing R-Legs .stl 14.7 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Walking L-Legs .stl 14.7 MB 09 Oct 2021
Gigaskorp Annihilator Walking R-Legs .stl 14.7 MB 09 Oct 2021
Supported 18 items

The Annihilator separatist caste of the Star Pharaohs have many radical ideas about their place in the Galaxy, including that they should be living away from the rest of their Hexan-worshiping kin on a separate part of the Miles. While Star Pharaohs at large seem to tolerate their existence- especially since the Annihilators assist in combat whenever the Miles face an external threat- some of the more practical Hexan skeptics of the Star Pharaohs have noted that if they were to form their own separatist colony in the Miles, it would do the Annihilators no good if they could not defend themselves should the rest of the Pharaohs change their mind and decide to annex their former kin. In secret, the Annihilators trained up the first Gigaskorp Annihilators, a beautiful and terrifying synthesis of heavily-plated Skorps and devastating weaponry taken directly from mobile weapons platforms and combat starships. With the Gigaskorps on their side, the Annihilators can rest easier in their difficult and self-imposed exile, confident that if the Hexan ever came for their splinter group, they would pay dearly for their transgression.