Star Pharaoh Gestalt Hexan Avatar

Released on: Dec. 31, 2021
Created by Star Pharaoh Foundry

File Size Last
Gestalt Hexan Avatar Full Assembled.stl 247.2 MB 01 Jan 2022

In the galaxy's younger days, there was a perfect and harmonious balance of terrifying war between scornful and furious star empires. Occasionally empires fell and were replaced by new ones, and on every once in a while, one empire won out over all the rest, only to stagnate and decay from prosperity and decadence. But only once was the entire galaxy threatened outright: the arrival of the Hexan.

The Hexan were six crystalline extragalactic divines so large that other planets orbited around them. Clad in riches from the plunder of the previous galaxy, they waged a grueling war on the Milky Way the likes of which the petty galactic denizens had never seen. Whole planets were vaporized for their resources in a blink, black holes were spontaneously summoned to crush huge star fleets into nothing, and stars were snuffed out for their energy, causing their orbiting planets to spiral out into the galaxy like planetary shrapnel. When it became clear that the Hexan were the greatest threat the galaxy had ever seen, for the first time in galactic history, the empires of the galaxy united for one terrible purpose. Democratic republics walked side-by-side with slave nations, hereditary monarchies joined forces with collectivist communes, and voracious devouring insectoid swarms signed peace accords with flesh-and-blood mammals that had previously been considered their food.

In a terrifying conflict that lasted millions of years, the Hexan were eventually defeated. Their bodies were shoved to a remote and unpopulated sector of the galaxy, and they broke apart into the asteroid belt that came to be known as the Miles of Prosperity. Almost immediately, the empires of the galaxy went back to their squabbling, and the legacy of the Hexan, terrifying as it was, was soon forgotten.

Thousands of years later, the Makers, a galactic empire that had grown mighty off the backs of the Hexan War, found the Miles during routine exploration, and left on there to exploit its riches a race of mining droids that would be come to be known as the mighty Star Pharaohs.

The Gestalt Hexan is not even a member of the Hexan at all. When the Hexcite was scattered across the galaxy after the Hexan War, it formed a weak network among fragments even millions of light-years apart. From this network emerged a consciousness greater than the sum of all its scattered parts, the Gestalt Hexan. This network brings wisdom to the Star Pharaohs from all across the galaxy - bringing news and understanding of alien culture, technology, and more importantly, the Hexcite deposits across the galaxy. Thanks to the insight of the Gestalt Hexan network, the Star Pharaohs never go into battle without knowing more about their enemies than they know about themselves.