Star Pharaoh Cyber Priest


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The one that would become the first Cyber Priest was in fact an Athanatos Lancer scout escorted by a single Skorp. Spotted by an alien army with more firepower than sense, they were met by a rain of gunfire that would have been far more suitable for taking out a batallion of tanks than two small scouts. Reduced to splinters, the two scouts were considered lost by the Overpharaoh. But in their splintered state, the two broken individuals were in a prime condition to be psychically visited by none other than the Gestalt Hexan. The Gestalt are in fact another aspect of the Hexan which comprise of the crystalline remains too small to join the six other realized Hexan, and have been drifting throughout the cosmos since the war that destroyed them when the galaxy was young.

The Gestalt Hexan resurrected the two scouts as the very first Cyber Priest. Much like the Gestalt Hexan itself, the two creatures form something much greater than the sum of their parts. Now the Cyber Priest surfs along waves of information, reading pulses of data and catching beats of bits. We are all just data nodes on a network, man, and if you wanna be truly free, you just gotta know how to work it.