Soul in the Chamber Spider Tank

Released on: March 1, 2022
Created by LeesedRenfort

File Size Last
Unsupported 14 items
Supported 14 items
Lychee 47.2 MB 21 Feb 2022

Spider Tanks are not just for animes and fish people now. This Spider Tank has filled it's chamber with souls and has been heavily defiled.

This model is an extremely poseable multipart kit that will allow you to make endless action scenes. All parts are pre-supported and tested multiple times for your convenience.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. Please show me your paint jobs once you are done.

Files come in Lychee supported files noted a .lys. Supported stl files are noted with the supported word at the end of the file name. All other files are unsupported. If you use another slicer other than Lychee, please note that the larger parts need to be hollowed and that you will have to use your software's hole tools to make appropriate drain holes for the models in order for the resin to escape. I highly recommend the use of the Lychee slicer software. Even the free version will open the .lys files and works extremely well.