Orbital Knights - Kit7 Reconnaissance

Released on: June 1, 2022
Created by KMFP Designs

File Size Last
recon_bikes.zip 31.0 MB 30 May 2022
recon_grenade.zip 32.1 MB 30 May 2022
recon_heavy.zip 65.2 MB 30 May 2022
recon_sniper.zip 77.1 MB 30 May 2022
recon_squad.zip 57.0 MB 30 May 2022
recon_squad_R.zip 39.7 MB 30 May 2022
recon_squad_CC.zip 61.3 MB 30 May 2022
recon_squad_no base.zip 54.9 MB 30 May 2022
recon_support.zip 56.8 MB 30 May 2022
recon_support_no base.zip 53.0 MB 30 May 2022
recon_support_supported.zip 68.2 MB 30 May 2022
recon_squad_supported.zip 68.1 MB 30 May 2022
recon_speeder.zip 60.2 MB 14 Jun 2022

A huge kit has everything needed for Orbital Knight scouting forces. Armed with blasters, shotguns, sniper rifles, pistols and knives, heavy and special weapons they have equipment for every occasion. Troops mounted on combat bikes and assault speeders for quick deployment. Also contains specialists with drop packs and grappling hooks for quick deployment.