Orbital Knights - Kit2a Assault Squad Leaders (6-8mm)

Released on: Feb. 1, 2022
Created by KMFP Designs

File Size Last
orbital_knights_kit2a_sergeants.zip 102.6 MB 29 Jan 2022
orbital_knights_kit2a_sergeants_no_base.zip 98.7 MB 29 Jan 2022
orbital_knights_kit2a_sergeants_supported.zip 123.5 MB 29 Jan 2022

An addon kit to Orbital Knights Kit2, Squad Leaders has 14 differently posed models with a variety of close combat weapons and jump packs. Each pose comes with 2 different head styles (knight and space) and 2 different jump pack styles for a total of 56 different models. Supported for 3D printing. Comes with and without attached bases.