Orbital Knights - Kit1 (6-8mm)

Released on: Jan. 12, 2022
Created by KMFP Designs

File Size Last
orbital_knights_kit1.zip 127.5 MB 12 Jan 2022
orbital_knights_kit1_supported_k.zip 74.7 MB 12 Jan 2022
orbital_knights_kit1_supported_s.zip 75.3 MB 12 Jan 2022
orbital_knights_kit1_no_base2.zip 67.5 MB 12 Jan 2022
orbital_knights_kit1_no_base1.zip 68.2 MB 12 Jan 2022

The first kit in the 6-8mm Orbital Knights series. Space soldiers in 40 different poses armed with blaster rifles, with 2 different head options (knight and space). Supported for 3D printing. Comes with and without attached bases.