Lancet Droids (Presupported)

Released on: June 1, 2022
Created by Hivemind Minis

File Size Last
Mountain 3D Presupported File Info Sheet.pdf 680.1 KB 31 May 2022
Lychee Files 6 items
Original Files 6 items
Supported Files 6 items

The Lancet Droids are your go to droid when in a tight spot. With a multitude of weapons and extra systems to eliminate any foe, these droids can handle even the hardest armor.

Kit includes:

  • 3 Torsos
  • 5 arms
  • waist
  • 5 heads
  • jumppack
  • top weapon mount
  • 7 weapons
  • 6 support systems
  • shoulderpad
  • 6 pairs of legs
  • 4 types of leg armor

All files are presupported for your convenience!