Iron Hive - Hydrafex and Raptorix

Released on: Feb. 1, 2023
Created by The Makers Cult

File Size Last
images 9 items
TMC License.txt 1.0 KB 21 Jan 2023
parts 46 items
presupported 46 items
parts and instructions.txt 2.3 KB 25 Jan 2023
extra spine 3 items
split wing 5 items

Multi parts, modular and poseable majestuous flying monsters

Edit : 2023-01-22 : added a V2 torso that fits better the citadel cross shaped flyer stands

Edit : 2023-01-25 : added a 3 headed version, and basing rocks for 8mm rod, updates on several supported files

Edit : 2023-03-29 : added a NEW spine for Raptorix and SPLIT WINGS for small volume printers, in separate sub-folders