Federation Enclave OG Battlesuits

Released on: Aug. 1, 2022
Created by LeesedRenfort

File Size Last
Lychee Files.zip 50.9 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Right Burst gun.stl 1.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Right Plasma rifle.stl 1.9 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Right Microwave gun.stl 3.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Pack for Gun Mounts.stl 7.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Pack No sabers.stl 7.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Pack one saber.stl 8.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
Fist Left.stl 830.5 KB 29 Jul 2022
Fist Right.stl 830.5 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and GM Guard Left Back Skirt.stl 31.6 KB 29 Jul 2022
Back Pack two sabers.stl 9.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and GM Guard Left Foot.stl 2.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and GM Guard Right Back Skirt.stl 31.6 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and GM Left Lower Arm.stl 383.4 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and GM Guard Right Foot.stl 2.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and GM Right Lower Arm.stl 383.4 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Left Front Skirt.stl 673.9 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Head.stl 5.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Left Missle Shoulder.stl 2.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Left Shoulder.stl 521.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Left Lower Leg.stl 5.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Left Upper Leg.stl 1.8 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Pelvis.stl 2.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Right Front Skirt.stl 673.9 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Right Lower Leg.stl 5.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Right Missle Shoulder.stl 2.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Right Shoulder.stl 521.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Right Upper Leg.stl 1.8 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Shield on Lower Arm.stl 1.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Shield.stl 302.1 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Torso.stl 5.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Back Skirt.stl 123.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Left Front Skirt.stl 656.4 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Left Lower Arm.stl 579.4 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Left Lower Leg.stl 3.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Left Missle Shoulder.stl 2.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Head.stl 12.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Left Shoulder.stl 505.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Left Upper Leg.stl 1.8 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Pelvis.stl 2.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Right Front Skirt.stl 656.4 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Right Lower Arm.stl 579.4 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Right Missle Shoulder.stl 2.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Right Lower Leg.stl 3.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Right Shoulder.stl 505.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Right Upper Leg.stl 1.8 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Shield on Lower Arm.stl 3.8 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Shield with Hand.stl 4.3 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Shield.stl 3.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Guard Torso.stl 4.3 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Left Foot.stl 6.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Left Front Skirt.stl 593.1 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Head.stl 19.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Left Missle Shoulder.stl 2.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Left Lower Leg.stl 4.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Left Shoulder.stl 587.2 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Left Upper Leg.stl 2.3 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Pelvis.stl 3.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Front Skirt.stl 593.1 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Foot.stl 6.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Lower Leg.stl 4.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Missle Shoulder.stl 2.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Shoulder.stl 587.2 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM RightUpper Leg.stl 2.3 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Shield on Lower Arm.stl 3.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Shield.stl 3.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Torso.stl 3.8 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Burst Gun.stl 2.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Dual Flamer.stl 12.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Flamer.stl 8.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Frag Launcher.stl 3.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Microwave Carbine.stl 4.3 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Missle Launcher.stl 5.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Plasma Rifle.stl 4.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Twin Burst Gun.stl 3.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Twin Microwave Carbine.stl 4.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Twin Plasma Rifle.stl 4.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Burst Gun.stl 2.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Flamer.stl 8.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Dual Flamer.stl 12.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Frag Launcher.stl 3.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Microwave Carbine.stl 4.3 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Missle Launcher.stl 5.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Twin Burst Gun.stl 3.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Plasma Rifle.stl 4.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Twin Microwave Carbine.stl 4.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
All Suits Left Upper Arm.stl 64.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
All Suits Right Upper Arm.stl 64.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
Right Twin Plasma Rifle.stl 4.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Left Burst gun.stl 1.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Left Plasma rifle.stl 1.9 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Left Microwave gun.stl 3.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Right Plasma Rifle supported.stl 2.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Pack for Gun Mounts supported.stl 8.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Pack two Sabers supported.stl 10.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Pack One Saber supported.stl 9.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Fist Left supported.stl 905.5 KB 29 Jul 2022
Fist Right supported.stl 905.5 KB 29 Jul 2022
Backpack No Saber supported.stl 8.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and GM Left Lower Arm supported.stl 537.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and GM Right Lower Arm supported.stl 537.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and Guard Left Back Skirt supported.stl 187.1 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and Guard Right Back Skirt supported.stl 187.1 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and Guard Left Foot supported.stl 3.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 and Guard Right Foot supported.stl 3.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Left Front Skirt supported.stl 876.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Head supported.stl 6.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Left Lower Leg supported.stl 5.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Left Missle Shoulder supported.stl 2.9 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Left Shoulder supported.stl 896.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Left Upper Leg supported.stl 1.9 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Pelvis supported.stl 3.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Right Front Skirt suppoted.stl 876.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Right Missle Shoulder supported.stl 2.9 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Right Shoulder supported.stl 896.3 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Right Lower Leg supported.stl 5.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Right Upper Leg supported.stl 1.9 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Shield on Lower Arm supported.stl 3.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Shield supported.stl 1.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Back Skirt supported.stl 339.7 KB 29 Jul 2022
G1 Torso supported.stl 5.9 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Left Foot supported.stl 6.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Left Front Skirt supported.stl 722.8 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Head supported.stl 19.9 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Left Lower Leg supported.stl 4.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Left Missle Shoulder supported.stl 3.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM LEft Shoulder supported.stl 937.2 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM LEft Upper Leg supported.stl 2.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Pelvis supported.stl 3.8 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Front Skirt supported.stl 722.8 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Foot supported.stl 6.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Lower Leg supported.stl 4.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Shoulder supported.stl 937.2 KB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Missle Shoulder supported.stl 3.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Sheild on Lower Arm supported.stl 3.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Right Upper Leg supported.stl 2.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Sheild supported.stl 3.4 MB 29 Jul 2022
GM Torso supported.stl 4.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Left Front Skirt supported.stl 843.1 KB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Left Lower Arm supported.stl 829.4 KB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Head supported.stl 13.7 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Left Missle Shoulder supported.stl 3.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Left Lower Leg supported.stl 4.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Left Shoulder supported.stl 806.8 KB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Left Upper Leg supported.stl 2.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Pelvis supported.stl 2.9 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Right Front Skirt supported.stl 843.1 KB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Right Lower Arm supported.stl 829.4 KB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Right Missle Shoulder supported.stl 3.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Right Lower Leg supported.stl 4.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Right Shoulder supported.stl 806.8 KB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Right Upper Leg supported.stl 2.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Sheild on Lower Left Arm supported.stl 5.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Sheild supported.stl 5.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Sheild with Left Hand supported.stl 6.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Guard Torso supported.stl 5.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Burst Gun supported.stl 3.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Dual Flamer supported.stl 13.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Flamer supported.stl 9.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Frag Launcher supported.stl 4.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Microwave Carbine supported.stl 5.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Missle Launcher supported.stl 6.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Plasma Rifle supported.stl 5.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Twin Burst Gun supported.stl 4.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Twin Microwave Carbine supported.stl 5.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
Left Twin Plasma Rifle supported.stl 5.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Burst Gun supported.stl 3.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Dual Flamer supported.stl 13.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Flamer supported.stl 9.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Frag Launcher supported.stl 4.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Microwave Carbine supported.stl 5.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Missle Launcher supported.stl 6.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Plasma Rifle supported.stl 5.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Twin Burst Gun supported.stl 4.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Twin Microwave Carbine supported.stl 5.1 MB 29 Jul 2022
Right Twin Plasma Rifle supported.stl 5.6 MB 29 Jul 2022
All Suits Left Upper Arm supported.stl 237.0 KB 29 Jul 2022
All Suits Right Upper Arm supported.stl 237.0 KB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Left Burst Gun supported.stl 2.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Left Microwave Carbine supported.stl 4.2 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Left Plasma Rifle supported.stl 2.5 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Right Burst Gun supported.stl 2.0 MB 29 Jul 2022
Back Mount Right Microwave Carbine supported.stl 4.2 MB 29 Jul 2022

One of the most elaborate kits we have made until now. 91 parts in all. This kit will provide all the parts necessary to make tons of battle suit styles and sports a new articulation point on the upper arms for even more dynamic poses.

All parts are pre-supported and include Lychee files.

Models are scaled for 28mm gaming. They have been scaled to my preferences and re-scaling may be required to fit your particular needs.