2pi/Oz Battle Suits

Released on: Nov. 1, 2022
Created by LeesedRenfort

File Size Last
Extra Guns 59 items
Left Burst Gun.lys 968.9 KB 31 Oct 2022
Supported files 56 items
OZ Foot x2 supported.stl 3.8 MB 31 Oct 2022
TG Upper Leg R supported.stl 81.5 MB 31 Oct 2022
Lychee Parts.zip 88.7 MB 31 Oct 2022
unsupported parts 66 items

2pi/Oz Battle Suits are another faction of the 2pi forces. This kit comes with all the parts necessary to make 3 different styles of command suits, and many different combination of Grunt ground and space forces as well as Electronic Warfare variants. This is an extremely complex kit with many different optional parts, with which you can make limitless poses and battle scenes. Perfect for your tabletop wargames.

All parts are pre-supported and include Lychee files.

These models are not meant to be shared or resold without the express permission of the designer. Any resale or sharing of these files are expressly forbidden.

Models are scaled for 28mm gaming. They have been scaled to my preferences and re-scaling may be required to fit your particular desires.