2pi K Radical Mercs

Released on: Nov. 1, 2021
Created by LeesedRenfort

File Size Last
K Radical Mercs_Presupported_OBJ.zip 205.7 MB 14 Oct 2021
K Radical Mercs_Presupported_LYS.zip 171.5 MB 14 Oct 2021
K Radical Mercs_Unsupported.zip 171.4 MB 14 Oct 2021

This kit contains all the parts necessary to make 18 variations of 2pi K Radical Xenos Mercs for your SciFi table top games.

All parts are presupported and include Lychee files.

I hope you enjoy this kit. Please see my latest models each month at https://www.patreon.com/leesedrenfort

Models are scaled for 28mm gaming. They have been scaled to my preferences and re-scaling may be required to fit your particular needs.

Private Use Only Non Commercial No Derivatives NOTE: Do not under any circumstances share these files for free or commercially!