• MSRP $12.00

    Released on June 30, 2021


  • MSRP $20.00

    Released on May 31, 2021


  • Stalking forward on robotic tails and scything claws, the Anthill Sentinels are peculiar machine. Despite every inch of the machine being crafted to deal out death, the Sentinels primarily serve as defensive entities who defend the most important structures of their empire. Their task is an important one which they take extremely seriously and will tear any intruder limb from limb that they encounter. 

    In addition to their potent weapons, Anthill Sentinels also possess the unique ability to phase in and out of this dimension. A technological marvel to be certain, this ability allows them to ambush intruders from every direction and can even be used  bypass shields and armor. They are masters of ambush, and many brave explorers have met their end when an Anthill Sentinel materializes next to them

    Occasionally, Anthill Sentinels will be ordered by Archprinces into battle where their abilities are needed. While this potentially goes against their core programing the Sentinels will obey without question. Be it ancient Teknops tombs or newly conquered land for the Empire, Anthill Sentinels will use every available tool at their disposal to destroy their enemies.  

    MSRP $15.00

    Released on April 1, 2021


  • Despite its status as an eons old civilization, the Teknops empire is not bound to tradition like many of the lesser races and fully embraces progress and evolution with regards to technology. Many scholars believe that had the Teknops not been asleep for centuries then any advancements they would have made in that time would surely have led to their domination of the entire galaxy. That being said, the arachnomancers have been working tirelessly to make up for lost time, and their newest creation, the Scaraptekh, is a juggernaut of destruction. 

    On rare occasions, Teknops Archprinces can have their consciousness redownloaded into the experimental Scaraptekh Lord Chassis. This version of the Scaraptekh is much larger and is equipped with a second set of wings and an additional ranged weapon. These additional upgrades coupled with the battle experience of the Archprince makes the Scaraptekh Lord a sessioned commander and deadly foe.

    Released on March 1, 2021


  • Despite its status as an eons old civilization, the Teknops empire is not bound to tradition like many of the lesser races and fully embraces progress and evolution with regards to technology. Many scholars believe that had the Teknops not been asleep for centuries then any advancements they would have made in that time would surely have led to their domination of the entire galaxy. That being said, the arachnomancers have been working tirelessly to make up for lost time, and their newest creation, the Scaraptekh, is a juggernaut of destruction. 

    Scaraptekhs stalk the battlefield on three legged chassis and have been seen using crystalline wings protected by a hardened elytra to glide over the battlefield. With this quick form of transportation available to them, Scaraptekhs are usually found where the fighting is the fiercest and use their devastating weaponry to cull their enemies. Terrifyingly enough, Scarptekhs frequently hunt in packs of three or more to maximize their efficiency and protect each other in combat making them even harder to defeat in combat.

    All files come presupported!

    MSRP $10.00

    Released on March 1, 2021


  • The Heralds of Destruction are ancient war machines, even by the empires standards. They stand tall and proud and easily stride over the battlefield as their machine intellect surveys the best possible locations to unleash its powerful cannon. Even enemies that try to avoid its balefale gaze will be met with a barrage of pinching talons that can tear the enemy apart with ease. 

    MSRP $10.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • Unlike the Herald of Destruction, the Heralds of Rebirth are newer additions to the empire are provide fallen warriors with a second chance to serve their Queen. They stalk the battlefield and do their best to remain unseen by the enemy while they search from the remnants of destroyed Teknops constructs. Using advanced reactivation protocols, the Heralds are able to repair fallen warriors and ensure the Teknops warmachine doesnt stop.

    MSRP $10.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • This kit will allow you to build a Warden, Archprince or Latroteknus to lead your Teknops armies! This multipart kit has all components presupported! The .txt file has a link to the download archive!

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Providing air support and lightning fast attacks to the Teknops Empire, the Teknodonates have swarmed out to join their insectoid brethren on the battlefield. Piloted by a much more elite, advanced warrior, the Teknodonate is more then a match for any enemy flyer your opponent can field!

    Released on Dec. 11, 2020


  • This kit will allow you to build the heavy weapons infantry for the Teknops Dynasty! With 5 different bodies choices and ALL weapon options covered, this kit has something to deal with anything your opponent can throw at you! Models come presupported.

    Released on Nov. 1, 2020


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