Showing 61 to 72 of 72 results

  • Updated 7/5/22

    I've re-worked the shoulder joints to be more in line with the current offerings and added a handful of new pieces/variants to this kit. This file set replaces the older ArcherFishV1.


    Stalking the back of battlefields picking targets off with precision, the ArcherFish class mech packs a small arsenal, from giant cannons to a near endless supply of missiles to dominate from afar.

    This is another large kit with a ton of variable configs and with a bit of scaling, almost all of the bits from the Koi mech will work with this and vice versa. 58 pieces total~.

    As always presupports by the lovely Atlas3DSS and pre-plated set ups arranged by me based on a PhotonS build plate with plenty of extra room~ The two printed pics are what you can assemble off of the 2Arm and 4Arm config pre-plates respectively, and depending on your config, there will be pieces left over. Other optional pieces will need to be added, give the instructions a look over for help~

    Thanks as always for the support,


    Released on June 4, 2021


  • Released on June 4, 2021


  • Lil' guppy's swimmin around the tank~ Blastin anything they see with rockets and heavy weapons fire...wait, that's not right...These aren't guppies at all???

    These are the support guppies for the TriggerFish Heavy Grav Tank, as well as general use, mix and match~
    Supported filesets will be available here when I get them back from Atlas.


    Released on June 4, 2021


  • These are older filesets and their age shows. they're not really as compatible as future releases, and are best considered legacy kits.

    And I swear, that fish got in the dandiest little suit, and hopped up out of the tank. Went right on down to the recruiters that day and enlisted.

    Included in this kit are pieces to make both 2 and 4 armed variants. All on the arm mounts are slotted for 1/16"x1/16" magnets for easy magnetization, no need to choose~
    As my suits tend to run a little bit larger then Stock, if you want this suit to be something closer to that, you can scale the plates down by 80%. Just remember to scale any of the weapons down by that amount as well. (I've printed multiple plates at both scales, but scale files at your own discretion~ This also would require the magnet sizes to be adjusted as well.)

    As always, all my kits are supported by the lovely Atlas3Dss. With the Base suit pre-plates for both 2 and 4 arm configs being set up by me based around a PhotonS build plate for convenience~


    Released on June 4, 2021


  • hind·sight

    /ˈhīn(d)ˌsīt/ noun

    Understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed.

    "with hindsight, I should never have gone"

    Included in this multipart kit are pieces to make both 2 and 4 armed variants of C.Hindsight. A large variety of swords and hand placements for all sorts of dynamic poses. Huge amount of variety with this one~

    As my suits tend to run a little bit larger then Stock, if you want this suit to be something closer to that, you can scale the plates down by 95%. Just remember to scale any of the weapons down by that amount as well. (I've printed multiple plates at both scales, but scale files at your own discretion~ 

    As always, all my kits are supported by the lovely Atlas3Dss. With the Base suit pre-plates for both 2 and 4 arm configs being set up by me based around a PhotonS build plate for convenience~


    Released on June 4, 2021


  • Weaving in and out of the battlefield to a symphony only they can hear, leaving small scale devastation in there wake. Ever graceful, never breaking stride.


    Hey friends~! Today I bring to the table the Koi Battle Mech. The closest prototype we have to production, and the most numerous~

    This kit has been another fun set to work on, and I think I crammed enough stuff in it to keep you all busy for at least a little bit~ There are so many different ways and configs that this mech can be assembled in, from 2 arm to 4 arm undermount overmount side mount etc. etc.~ I'm very pleased with the final piece and I thin ki've really kinda hit a stride in terms of design~ I really hope you enjoy this one!

    As always presupports by the lovely Atlas3DSS and pre-plated set ups arranged by me based on a PhotonS build plate with plenty of extra room~ The two printed pics are what you can assemble off of the 2Arm and 4Arm config pre-plates respectively, and depending on your config, there will be pieces left over. Other optional pieces will need to be added, give the instructions a look over for help~

    Thanks as always for the support,


    EDIT (2/13/22): I have updated the Koi's shoulder joints to be more in line with the current commander kit.

    Released on June 4, 2021


  • Lionfish are real pretty, but they pack a nasty sting.
    Did you know that they're also super invasive?
    Really a hazardous fish~


    While this suit was specifically designed with 4 arms in mind, It can be built with two arms. If you're into that kinda heresy.

    Included in this kit are pieces to make both 2 and 4 armed variants. All on the weapon mounts are slotted for 3mmx1mm (approximate) magnets for easy magnetization, no need to choose~

    As my suits tend to run a little bit larger then Stock, if you want this suit to be something closer to that, you can scale the plates down by 90-95%. Just remember to scale any of the weapons down by that amount as well. (I've printed multiple plates at both scales, but scale files at your own discretion~ This also would require the magnet sizes to be adjusted as well.)

    As always, all my kits are supported by the lovely Atlas3Dss. With the Base suit pre-plates for both 2 and 4 arm configs being set up by me based around a PhotonS build plate for convenience~


    Released on June 4, 2021


  • These are older filesets and their age shows. they're not really as compatible as future releases, and are best considered legacy kits.

    Look at this little shrimp, he's so smol. But he also has 4 arms, and two of 'em have huge guns so that makes it ok I guess. Still don't think it could hit the broadside of a barn ;)


    This is a raw and pre-supported multi-part file set. Also included are pre-plated versions for both the 2 and 4 arm variant base. This one's a simpler model so not much to say about it. It does not have a model for the HYMP. Just the shooty version.

    As always, all my kits are supported by the lovely Atlas3Dss. With the Base suit pre-plates for both 2 and 4 arm configs being set up by me based around a PhotonS build plate for convenience~


    Released on June 4, 2021


  • Those were the sneakiest fish I ever didn't see. Snuck up and bagged me and my buddy and before we knew it we were half way into the bermuda triangle. Didn't hear a sound from em, quiet as death.


    Included in this kit are an assortment of pieces pieces to mix and match for a whole squad of individualized mins~ And check back later and I will be adding a four arm option to this kit at a later date.

    As always, all my kits are supported by the lovely Atlas3Dss. With the suit pre-plates set to make you a set of three SilverFish. Two small heads, with a sensor headed leader~ the latter having two weapon options to pick from post print. With the pre-plated files being based on the PhotonS build plate for convenience~ but if you want to do a little more customization, there's a bunch of bits in the kit for that~

    Thanks as always,


    Released on June 4, 2021


  • These are older filesets and their age shows. they're not really as compatible as future releases, and are best considered legacy kits.

    Released on June 4, 2021


  • These are older filesets and their age shows. they're not really as compatible as future releases, and are best considered legacy kits.


    That's the thiccest fish I ever did see. Strollin about the battlefield, throwin around his girth, enforcing it's will all over the place. Truly a sight to behold.


    I had a ton of fun modeling all the bits to this guy, and I hope you enjoy the model too. This kit has a ton of options and weapons to crack into. Perfect for mixing and matching to your hearts content. Make some neat stuff with this one~

    Included in this kit are pieces to make both 2 and 4 armed variants. All on the arm mounts are slotted for 3mm x 1.5mm (approximate) magnets for easy magnetization, no need to choose~

    As my suits tend to run a little bit larger then Stock, if you want this suit to be something closer to that, you can scale the plates down by 95%. Just remember to scale any of the weapons down by that amount as well. (I've printed multiple plates at both scales, but scale files at your own discretion~ This also would require the magnet sizes to be adjusted as well.)

    As always, all my kits are supported by the lovely Atlas3Dss. With the Base suit pre-plates for both 2 and 4 arm configs being set up by me based around a PhotonS build plate for convenience~


    Released on June 4, 2021


  • This is a multipart kit modeled around the base FishFrame. Along with the other kits all the pieces can be swapped around as needed to fulfil various roles on the battlefield. Almost everything in this kit is magnetized for ease of use.

    Supported by Atlas3DSS and pre-plated by me.


    Released on June 4, 2021


Showing 61 to 72 of 72 results

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