Showing 41 to 59 of 59 results

  • Age of Apocalypse alt costume Colossus figure - Colossus himself is 220mm tall. With base total height is 260mm

    MSRP $18.00

    Released on Feb. 24, 2024


  • Nemestrike Force marines are the mainstay of the Silver Wardens army. This kit builds all possible options for the latest edition.

    Nemestrike Regulars, Nemestrike Depurgatio Marines, Nemestike Purificatus Specials, And Nemestrike Interceptors

    Intended as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY Game company or Workshop

    MSRP $15.00

    Released on Jan. 20, 2024


  • Heavy Exterminatus Soldiers. When you just have to pulverize something, these are your first choiice.

    Intended as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY Game company or Workshop

    MSRP $18.00

    Released on Dec. 31, 2023


  • Patreon fulfillment - November 2023

    Released on Nov. 23, 2023


  • Spartanian combat techniques on the battlefield are legendary, and Captains play a large part of that fame, absolute killers, these brave and tenacious soldiers lead their men across a battle ravaged galaxy in search of glory and honor for ancient Sparta.

    This Kit builds one Heavy Assault HQ Captain Soldier.  Some parts may be interchangeable with the Sons of Spartania Heavy Assault HQ Documentarian

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $4.00

    Released on Nov. 23, 2023


  • Implacable, indestructible warriors descended from the bravest of ancient nation of Sparta. Proud and determined, they advance and attack without peer.

    This Kit builds one 5 man squad of Heavy Assault marines with one Squad Leader. Arm sets should be somewhat interchangeable on the different bodies - experiment to your hearts content!!

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $7.00

    Released on Nov. 23, 2023


  • Spartanian Documentarians come from a long line of ancient Spartan mystics, masters of strange magics and powers beyond the mental limits of normal marines.  Formidible foes in mind and martial ability.

    This Kit builds one Heavy Assault HQ Documentarian Soldier.  Some parts may be interchangable with the Sons of Spartania Heavy Assalt HQ Captain

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $4.00

    Released on Nov. 23, 2023


  • Heat Kills, thats our motto! Our patented fire emulsion dates back to a recipe from the days of early Sparta, concocted by mystics and consecrated by oracles...

    This Kit builds one 5 man squad of Pyros with one Squad Leader. Arm sets should be somewhat interchangeable on the different bodies - experiment to your hearts content!!

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $7.00

    Released on Nov. 23, 2023


  • Chaplains in the GotP ranks serve a more shamanistic role in accordance with thier ancient beliefs and rituals.

    THis kit builds one GotP Chaplain HQ character needed to play Conflict Area Patrol games in your favortite tabletop sci-fi grimdark wargame.

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $5.00

    Released on Oct. 3, 2023


  • Death from above... nough said

    This kit builds a 3 man squad of Incepts with Tri-Bolters.

    My Guardians of the Path faction follows the codex for a "fallen" line of popular space soldiers.

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    Released on Sept. 30, 2023


  • This kit builds a 5 man squad of Intercessionists for my proxy faction Guardians of the Path (modelled on DA) Outfitted for CAP play (equivalent to combat patrol)

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $7.00

    Released on Sept. 27, 2023


  • Kit build one GotP Redeemer Engine Mech, with Plasma and Machine Fist

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $10.00

    Released on Sept. 27, 2023


  • Everslay Assassins live hellish lives, only aware and functional during their assignments. The wide range of physical and mental enhancement drugs that they must have to function wreak havoc on their mental state and this in turn is expressed thru absolute rage and carnage on the battlefield or wherever they are deployed. They complete their preprogrammed mission and then, if they survive, are returned to a cryo-sleep state, only to be awakened again for the next mission, unaware of the passage of time between.

    Kit builds one Male and one Female Everslay Assassin.

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $5.00

    Released on Sept. 19, 2023


  • Trained in the martial arts as any Spartanian warrior would be, the Battle Mage takes this prowess to the next level with a mastery of the mystic arts. Battle Mages are able to use this power to weave mighty spells to strike down their enemies. But with this great power comes an extreme risk. Such powers were never meant to be wielded by mortal men, and even the superhuman Spartanians have a difficult time keeping these powers controlled and losing concentration for even a second can lead to disaster. To combat that, Spartanian Artisans have crafted tools and equipment to help Battle Mages contain this power and direct it at the enemy properly.

    Fighting a Battle Mage is not only a physical matter but a psychic matter as well. While weaving spells are one of the most notable traits of a Battle Mage, their most employed tactic is invading the minds of their opponents to achieve a variety of effects. Mind control, bouts of madness, and pain are all afflictions that a Battle Mage can inflict on their opponents in battle. Whether their enemies are skewered by spear and sword or blasted apart by raw psychic power, Battle Mages are not to be trifled with!

    Model comes presupported!

    MSRP $5.00

    Released on June 30, 2021


  • In times of peace, the Acropolises of Spartanian cities are often crowded to the brim with curious onlookers observed an extremely sacred form of Spartanian combat. Such matters are never fought with sword and shield however, but are instead waged by words of power and persuasion. These warriors of wisdom are known to the populace as Battle Priests. They spend long hours of the day discussing matters of war, philosophy, politics, law and whatever else they fancy at the time. These discussions often evolve into heated debates between two Priests with opposing viewpoints. Such debates are spectacles to behold, as the zeal and passion with which the Priests' argue is inspiring to those around them. No matter how intense such discussions grow, they always end civilly with both Orators being grateful for a chance to hone the art of speech craft. However, when war eventually returns to Spartanian controlled systems, Orators are amongst the first to answer the call.

    To say a Battle Priest is mere spokesperson is to ignore the Spartanian upbringing entirely. While they certainly favor the pen compared to the sword, they are still proud sons of Leanidatus and can hold their own in combat with ease. On the battlefield, they turn their skill for passionate discussion into rousing, fiery litanies that inspire their comrades in arms to great feats of heroism.

    Model comes presupported

    MSRP $5.00

    Released on June 30, 2021


  • Released on May 28, 2021


  • The heavy phyle are clad in a reinforced version of the standard phyle armor. While this does provide additional protection to the wearer the primary function of the armor is to provide resistance against recoil of the heavier weapons they wield. The actuators in the armor allow the user to accurately track and release a hail of punishing fire from their  heavy weapons.

    Released on March 1, 2021


  • The most esteemed Polemarchs that serve His Highness King Leonidatus and granted access to the Cyber Stallion manufactories. Each Polemarch is assisted by humble engineers in creating the ideal mechanical companion that will bear him into battle.  As a result, no two cyber stallions are alike and their differing personalities reflect this. 

    With the machine constructed and powered, the Polemarch engages in one of the Sons of Spartania's most sacred rituals. Despite the Polemarch being its creator and master, the Stallion still must be broken in. In this dance between man and machine one of two events will occur:  the stallion will submit to its masters control and become the ideal warmount, or the Stallion will rebuke the warrior's efforts. Polemarchs are permitted three attempts to control their creation; should they fail after the final attempt the Cyber Stallion's machine soul is deemed 'too volatile' to serve in active combat and their components are melted down to be used in the creation of future mounts. For the Polemarch however, failure to break in the mechanical beast will result in a stain on their honor, and many do not reattempt the ritual for several centuries until they consider themselves strong enough to try again. 

    For those that do succeed, they gain a companion for life that will bear them headlong into the endless battles that the pair will face. 

    Models come presupported!

    MSRP $10.00

    Released on March 1, 2021


  • Soaring over the battlefield on wings of fire and smoke, Stratos Marines can quickly reinforce weak points in Spartania lines or create a opening in the enemies defenses. Stratos marines once served the High King as Hoplite soldiers, but increased aggression levels made it difficult for them to maintain formation with their comrades. To break formation in the Spartanian army meant certain death and Hoplites who exhibited this behavior were executed by their commanding Polemarch.

    In recent years however, Polemarchs realized that this increased aggression could be used to their advantage. As a result Hoplites who excell in close quarters combat or exhibit overly aggressive tendencies are moved into designated 'Stratos' squads. They are equipped with jetpacks, chain Kopis', and pistols and are not bound by the traditions of Spartania Warfare. While their brothers fight in close knit formations on the ground, Stratos marines are given free reign by their Polemarchs and are tasked with striking at key objectives on the battlefield and do so with precision and speed. 

    MSRP $10.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


Showing 41 to 59 of 59 results

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