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A modular Assault Mech, complete with multiple weapon configurations and parts and two leg poses.
All parts are test printed and presupported!
Released on March 13, 2025
The Irasci are an advanced civilization. Relying almost exclusively on energy weapons and long range missiles, their ships are wedge shaped to represent the three arms of the Triumvirate. Quick to anger and slow to forget, the Irasci are one of the most deadly (and belligerent) nations in the stars.
This set includes:5 Classes of Escort ship (each with or without visible weapons)Modular Light Cruiser kitModular Cruiser KitModular Heavy Cruiser Kit
All models come with print-tested presupports
Released on Feb. 1, 2025
A small pack of new parts to accompany the release of the Terran Ordnance.
Included are various bits and merged bases for Terran Fighters and Bombers. A new set of carriages for the Space Train (which require arms from the Station Builder) as well as 2 new Noses for the Train. The Cruiser and Battleship classes get a new set of bridges (One with Turret Rings -- Compatible with all turret mount objects from the cruiser kit). The Star Cruiser gets 2 new Noses. Noses specifically made for breaking asteroids in the search of Adversary elements.
Released on Jan. 1, 2025
The Adversary is a little known quantity. Coming from somewhere in deep space, no contact has ever been made. This enemy always brings swarms of small craft to the battle, riding into combat on the backs of enormous motherships. These escort craft have no FTL capabilities and therefore pack more weaponry in their small frames than most vessels of this class. The fleet is scaled for use with Grand Fleet Admiral and many others of that size and scope. There is a wide variety of escort craft, a small handful of capitol ships and the multipart modular Mothership. The mothership has both loaded and unloaded rings and is set up for 3x2 disk magnets for maximum configuration capabilities. Each mothership needs at least 1 Command or Stem only ring. Each ship has a flat cylinder for the post connection. A small divot has been made to help center a drill bit if necessary.
The Reindeer Mech is a multipart modular Quad Mech builder. There are 2 Body options (one for chest mounted weaponry), 5 Head options (Each with a different weapon loadout), 3 Back options (with one having 2 optional weapons to mount), and 3 sets of legs. See the readme file included for more information.
Fully presupported and test printed
Released on Dec. 1, 2024
The S1AY Tank is a multipart modular Turretless Tank builder. Included in the builder is 3 Body options (with and without side skirts plus one with a side mounted energy weapon) and 3 Weapon Options.
A modular Space Station building kit compatible with the Terran Alliance modular spaceship range of kits.
Released on Nov. 1, 2024
A modular civilian space train building kit compatible with the Terran Alliance modular spaceship range of kits.
Presupports - to be updated.
The Adversary's main form of attack is with swarms of escort craft. These craft are not FTL capable and carry much more weaponry than their Terran counterparts. Having no FTL capability, these swarms of escorts arrive attached to the "Mothership". This escort carrier has been seen in many configurations and often becomes a stationary command and control post after escort deployment.
This modular kit allows you to build custom motherships to carry any configuration of escort squadrons.
Released on Oct. 1, 2024
A modular spaceship kit for The Adversary faction. Containing two cruiser class, the light and regular.
Fully Presupported and test printed
Released on Sept. 30, 2024
Released on Aug. 21, 2024
When the sea floor cracked and allowed the worlds oceans to drain into the hollow earth, WWI was raging across Europe and the North American Federation had just pledged aid to their allies. Zeppelin construction was ramped up and many enhancements were made to these flying vessels. The air superiority of the NAF was too much for the Austro-Hungarian forces to cope with, so they too increased production of these arial resources. This kit contains escort zeppelins for the Austro-Hungarian faction. Trial rules and stats soon to be available.
MSRP $7.50
Released on July 1, 2024
When the sea floor cracked and allowed the worlds oceans to drain into the hollow earth, WWI was raging across Europe and the North American Federation had just pledged aid to their allies. Zeppelin construction was ramped up and many enhancements were made to these flying vessels. The NAF gained a brief air superiority over the Austrians and were able to assist their allies in gaining a little ground and a brief respite from the conflict. This kit contains escorts for the North American Federation faction. Trial stats and rules soon to be available.
When the sea floor cracked and the worlds oceans drained into the hollow earth, the Kingdom of Britain was in a very tight spot. Being an island, the majority of its forces were naval. The best engineers in the kingdom along with aid from the North American Federation pioneered the first retrofit of a naval battleship into a mobile land machine. Adapting the new tank technology onto the hull of the HMS Dread, the KB was able to form a defense to hold the enemy at the gate for the time the NAF needed to get forces in place to assist their beleaguered ally.
MSRP $9.50
Never ones to sit idly by and rest on the sweet smell of success, the Terrans crafted ever larger vessels for command and control in any theatre of conflict. Included in this kit are a small collection of dreadnought sized vessels, a space station and orbital platform. Everything needed to maintain market share in the galaxy.
MSRP $10.00
The PMSC (Proprietary Manufactured Systems Corporation) is a manufacturer of space going vessels, combat and non combat. They pride themselves on engineering excellence. They believe that aftermarket or universal fit repair parts and upgrades are the cause of so many accidents and inefficiencies. They believe this so much that the leaders of this mighty corporation use their own fleet of vessels to destroy factories creating aftermarket parts for their vessels, and ships that they have sold to governments and private individuals who have repaired or upgraded the ships that they have designed with aftermarket parts. The only good part is an official OEM part in the eyes of the corporate. There are 2 folders in this kit. The PMSC Full Scale has ships suitable for many space combat games and contains 13 classes of ship with a variant for each with a differently detailed engine. The second folder will contain ships specifically scaled and modified for use in the Grand Fleet Admiral game system.
MSRP $28.00
Released on June 1, 2024
The Terrans have a mighty fleet, and are economical in how they build their fleets. The Battleship utilizes the hull sections and weapon bays of the cruiser to assist in rapid deployment of new vessels. This is an UPGRADE kit for the Terran Star Cruiser to adapt it into a battleship. This kit contains new Rear Hulls, a new Engine, and new Noses as well as a new Bridge and some blank off plates for the inner bays of the cruiser hull parts. The battleship utilizes a "double hull" configuration. The parts necessary to make the examples are included, but full modularity requires the Terran Star Cruiser kit and Parts Pack 1. Included is a README document explaining assembly and compatibility.
MSRP $8.50
The Turret Bunker needs extra room for all of the hungry soldier hiding out inside. This expansion can be used to replace up to 4 corners of the Turret Bunker (Not Included in this pack). This kit comes in parts for easier printing.
The kit also includes a version in 8mm scale. This is premerged with the turret bunker and requires the turret bunker to complete. (A turret is needed).
Released on May 1, 2024
The Terran fleet is made up of a number of vessels with the Escort Class being the most numerous. With the many needs of the Terran Empire there are many configurations for these small craft. From teeny tiny little system ships to destroyers just shy of light cruiser size. This kit will allow you to build a vast array of different escort ships for your space games. These are scaled to fight some of the most popular fleets, but also work well as ships for other fun games where thrusting at billions of stars might happen, or maybe in a game full of warfleets.... There is also an adapter piece that will allow some intermixing with the Terran Cruiser kit. See the readme for details.
This is a fleet pack at a micro scale that was designed for use with the Grand Fleet Admiral ruleset. Everything you need is included, including ordnance markers. These ships have been designed with the ship class system from GFA in mind, but they can also be used for various other space combat games in this scale. The ships are finely detailed and meant for resin printing, so increasing the scale for other games will result in just as finely detailed ships. There is no stem hole, but a guide point for drilling at the most logical location has been modeled for each fleet master to use their own basing method.
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