Showing 81 to 87 of 87 results

  • These are based off the really old concept sketchs for the Space Fleet models. This is cruiser sized (~90 mm long), and comes with several different weapons fits: Torpedo tubes, lances, or launch chutes. Supported and plain files.

    These will proxy in BFG for Dragonships for the Batteries/Torps, and Batteries/Launch bay sets. And maybe one day there will be specific rules! Or you could just play Space Fleet ;)

    Please note that you are not able to sell prints of these files. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    2021-10-17 - Revised the sails to make them thicker and also tweaked the supports on the very bottom of the hulls after my test prints.

    MSRP $6.70

    Released on Jan. 30, 2022


  • These are based off the really old concept sketches for the Space Fleet models. This is escort sized (~40 mm long), and comes with several different weapons fits: Torpedo tubes, lances, or a assault module nose. Supported and plain files.

    The mesh is a bit manky, let me know if it's coming out in the print. I'll update it if/when Autodesk fixes the issue.

    These will proxy in BFG for Shadowhunters, or for Corsair class escorts. And maybe one day there will be specific rules! Or you could just play Space Fleet ;)

    Please note that you are not able to sell prints of these files. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    2021-12-04 - Big shout out to DoubleBaseFanatic who has test printed and re-supported these for transparent resins which are much more fussy about support proximity.

    MSRP $4.00

    Released on Jan. 30, 2022


  • These are based off the really old concept sketches for the Space Fleet models. This is escort sized (~70 mm long but that's mostly tail). Supported and plain files.

    Please note you are not able to sell prints of these files or redistribute them. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    2022-03-07 - Updated the supports, especially around the tip of the prow to make them a little more robust, the new versions are r02. Let me know if there are any issues.

    MSRP $4.00

    Released on Jan. 30, 2022


  • These are based off a really old concept sketch for the Space Fleet models. This is light cruiser sized (~70 mm long), and comes with several different weapons fits: Torpedo tubes, a spinal lance, or launch chutes. Supported and plain files.

    These will proxy for Wraithships for the Batteries/Torps and Batteries/Launch bay sets. And maybe one day there will be specific rules!

    Please note that you are not able to sell prints of these files. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    2021-12-31 - Had a request for a version with no cannons but a combination of torpedoes and lances. Added an unsupported version (can't do supports at the moment)

    MSRP $6.70

    Released on Jan. 30, 2022


  • These are based off the really old concept sketches for the Space Fleet models. This is transport sized (~40 mm long). Supported and plain files.

    These will proxy in BFG for a standard transport.

    Please note that you are not able to sell prints of these files. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    2021-12-22 - In my personal print the engine nacelles didn't come out properly, I've added even more supports. Also thickened up the edges of the forward hull near the engine nacelles as these were too thin on my print.

    MSRP $4.00

    Released on Jan. 30, 2022


  • The Earth Federation Core Attacker in 1/144 is a fast fighter craft that doubles as an escape craft for giant mecha. Four nose machine guns backed up by hidden rockets make it a dangerous harassing unit. While you are free to rescale as you see fit, I've also included presupported versions at the aforementioned scales. Happy printing!

    The presupported Core Attacker fits comfortably on my original Mars 1, and if you increase the size to 1/100 it will still fit in a Mars 1, so happy printing!

    Released on Jan. 1, 2022


  • The Space Colonists Green Cruiser in 1/3000 scale is a main attack cruiser with great mobile mecha support. With three twin main cannons, space for 4 mecha in the rear bay, and space for 2 more in the forward escape shuttle, this cruiser comes ready to battle. While you are free to rescale as you see fit, I've also included presupported versions at the aforementioned scales. Happy printing!

    The Green Cruiser comes in a few assembly options - namely, assembled or disassembled. The main hull comes with a half circle peg that fits the small ship base from space Armada based games (which clips off easily). At 1/3000 scale, I can fit 3 assembled ships on my original Mars 1, and if you increase the size to 1/1700 it will still fit in a Mars 1, so happy printing!

    Released on Jan. 1, 2022


Showing 81 to 87 of 87 results

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