Showing 21 to 40 of 87 results

  • Ever think your Battle Bros needed some more spikey bits? Need a new look for biomechanical monstrosities? Look no further! Dark Army (or Death Army) grunts are here to serve your needs. A series of bits to convert your popular 28-32mm Science Fiction powered armored infantry like Battle Bros or or Prime Bros to a Dark Army grunt, this set comes with a head, shoulder, spikey wrist bangles, and a spikey beam rifle that doubles as a handy club. All of these bits fit traditional and newer, bigger powered armored infantry. Shoulders and wrist spikes are symmetrical, so just print two of each.

    Released on Feb. 2, 2024


  • Nemestrike Force marines are the mainstay of the Silver Wardens army. This kit builds all possible options for the latest edition.

    Nemestrike Regulars, Nemestrike Depurgatio Marines, Nemestike Purificatus Specials, And Nemestrike Interceptors

    Intended as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY Game company or Workshop

    MSRP $15.00

    Released on Jan. 20, 2024


  • A series of bits to convert your popular 28-32mm Science Fiction powered armored infantry like Battle Bros, Prime Bros, or Custodian Bros to a Zodiac Alliance Genie Mecha. This set comes with replacement shoulders, a replacement head, and an articulated backpack. The pack thrusters can swivel up to 60°, and the outer armoring can slide to accommodate the pack.

    Released on Jan. 1, 2024


  • Heavy Exterminatus Soldiers. When you just have to pulverize something, these are your first choiice.

    Intended as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY Game company or Workshop

    MSRP $18.00

    Released on Dec. 31, 2023


  • Spartanian combat techniques on the battlefield are legendary, and Captains play a large part of that fame, absolute killers, these brave and tenacious soldiers lead their men across a battle ravaged galaxy in search of glory and honor for ancient Sparta.

    This Kit builds one Heavy Assault HQ Captain Soldier.  Some parts may be interchangeable with the Sons of Spartania Heavy Assault HQ Documentarian

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $4.00

    Released on Nov. 23, 2023


  • Heat Kills, thats our motto! Our patented fire emulsion dates back to a recipe from the days of early Sparta, concocted by mystics and consecrated by oracles...

    This Kit builds one 5 man squad of Pyros with one Squad Leader. Arm sets should be somewhat interchangeable on the different bodies - experiment to your hearts content!!

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $7.00

    Released on Nov. 23, 2023


  • Lightly armed fast cruisers such as these are the dashing hussars of the Akkadian shipyards. While fragile in fleet actions they are a terror to pirates and raiders.

    These models are around 54 mm long. There are 5 hull variants which can make ships compatible with Battlefleet Gothic, FTL, A Billion Suns, etc.

    Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    MSRP $12.00

    Released on Nov. 1, 2023


  • Markedly different to standard bulk haulers, the Akkadian pattern transport focusses on assaulting defended targets and delivering its cargo safely despite opposition. This means it is better armed (although the armament focusses forward), and better defended. This does make them rarer - they won't be found carrying water from place to place!

    These models are around 46 mm long. This ship is compatible with games like Battlefleet Gothic, FTL, A Billion Suns, etc.

    Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    MSRP $6.00

    Released on Nov. 1, 2023


  • A 6 mm scale heavy fighter for small-scale wargames. Comes in two variants, one with bombs and the other with a gun pack and missiles. 60 mm in length, plain and supported files.

    Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them.

    Released on Oct. 1, 2023


  • Death from above... nough said

    This kit builds a 3 man squad of Incepts with Tri-Bolters.

    My Guardians of the Path faction follows the codex for a "fallen" line of popular space soldiers.

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    Released on Sept. 30, 2023


  • This kit builds a 5 man squad of Intercessionists for my proxy faction Guardians of the Path (modelled on DA) Outfitted for CAP play (equivalent to combat patrol)

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $7.00

    Released on Sept. 27, 2023


  • Kit build one GotP Redeemer Engine Mech, with Plasma and Machine Fist

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $10.00

    Released on Sept. 27, 2023


  • Everslay Assassins live hellish lives, only aware and functional during their assignments. The wide range of physical and mental enhancement drugs that they must have to function wreak havoc on their mental state and this in turn is expressed thru absolute rage and carnage on the battlefield or wherever they are deployed. They complete their preprogrammed mission and then, if they survive, are returned to a cryo-sleep state, only to be awakened again for the next mission, unaware of the passage of time between.

    Kit builds one Male and one Female Everslay Assassin.

    Intended for use as proxies for any sci-fi tabletop battle game you choose.

    Not licensed, associated, affiliated, endorsed or encouraged by ANY games company or workshop

    MSRP $5.00

    Released on Sept. 19, 2023


  • The CR. 42 fighter of WW2 vintage in 1/200 scale compatible with miniatures games such as Blood Red Skies. There are standard, AS (desert), and CN (night fighter) versions alongside bombs and spotlight pods. Also includes supported version.

    Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them.

    MSRP $10.00

    Released on Sept. 1, 2023


  • A parts pack for the omnicruiser: A modular cruiser including a variety of aesthetics. A new set of thrusters, a modified main hull, two new prow styles, and a new spine.

    These models are around 75 mm in length.

    Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    Released on Sept. 1, 2023


  • Sleek and well armed, these Akkadian cruisers are more than a match for their Imperial counterparts.

    These models are around 95 mm long. There are 5 hull variants and 8 wing variants which can make ships compatible with Battlefleet Gothic, FTL, A Billion Suns, etc.

    Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    Released on Aug. 1, 2023


  • Elegant little destroyers, perfect for shredding convoys.

    These models are around 30 mm in length and includes 3 variants: cannons, torpedoes, and a big forward cannon.

    Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    Released on July 1, 2023


  • Slow, heavy, ugly, and unable tomove outside its home system. Defence monitors make up for this by being tough and absurdly well armed.

    These models are around 50 mm in length.

    Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    Released on July 1, 2023


  • Compatible with the classic tabletop wargame Battlefleet Gothic as Elfdar pirate frigates. Hulls 40 mm in length.

    Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    Released on June 1, 2023


  • Industrial warships for a less civilised time. Small destroyers such as these are commonly used for patrols, scouting, interdiction, and pirate suppression.

    These models are around 35 mm in length and includes 3 prow variants and 2 rear variants. Each prow variant has turret, torpedo, and sensor sub-variants.

    Please note you are not able to redistribute these files nor sell prints of them. These models are not official OPR models and are not recognised by OPR.

    Released on June 1, 2023


Showing 21 to 40 of 87 results

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