• Ever get that feeling that your grunts could use a little heavy support? Now's your chance! The 1-144 GM Cannon conversion kit takes the1-144 HGUC GM kit (HGUC-20) and turns up the ordnance. Much like the description in MSV, these conversion parts either clamp on existing kit parts or replace them. The leg armor clamps on top of the kit leg and ankle armor, allowing for a good range of foot motion, but notably shifting the center of mass downwards for a more stable firing platform. The waist armor replaces the kit front armor, and has the option to be glued in place as per the original MSV, or given some articulation. The torso armor replaces the kit upper torso parts, with a minor modification of the lower torso parts (clipping the protruding pegs). As the GM Cannon has a variety of barrels in the different depictions, 3 different cannon barrels are available. The cannon itself has a range of motion of +25° / -15°, offering a lot of posing possibilities. The head antennae may be the trickiest to align, so be sure to use a slow acting glue. The left side chest vent has a part available, or you can use the kit part as you choose.

    While these parts typically press fit and articulate where needed, gluing is always recommended for long term posing, as frequent repositioning starts wearing the resin down quite quickly. Additionally, depending on your printer tolerances, you may need to adjust a few parts by filing edges.

    Released on April 21, 2023


  • Merry Christmas! Show your mecha love on the Christmas tree this year with this fun battle suit to guard your presents!

    Released on Dec. 3, 2022


  • The Federation Psycho Battle Suit is a second generation suit mainly used in an artillery role on the battle field. Equipped with many weapons on its body, it can also be equipped with a mega bazooka that sports rockets and missiles for even more impact. This model stands approximately 6 inches tall and has an extreme number of articulation points and optional parts for limitless poses. Launchers on it's back and wrist joints can be left un-glued, allowing you to open and close the launchers and swap out hand poses as you see fit.

    All parts are pre-supported and include Lychee files.

    These models are not meant to be shared or resold without the express permission of the designer. Any resale or sharing of these files are expressly forbidden.

    Models are scaled for 28mm gaming. They have been scaled to my preferences and re-scaling may be required to fit your particular desires.

    Released on Dec. 1, 2022


  • The Space Colonist Attack Fighter in 1/144 is a fast fighter craft that fares poorly against giant robots. Two light vulcan guns backed up by six tube rocket pods make it a dangerous harassing unit. While you are free to rescale as you see fit, I've also included presupported versions at the aforementioned scale. Happy printing!

    The presupported Attack Fighter fits tightly on my original Mars 1, and if you increase the size to 1/100 you'll need a bigger printer!

    Released on Aug. 1, 2022


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