Scorn's Mecha Repository
Scorn's Mecha Repository is creating Mecha, Vehicles, Miniatures and BitsShop from Scorn's Mecha Repository
Scorn's Mecha Repository
Welcome to Scorn's Mecha Repository! I love robots, and I love tabletop wargames. Let's get more mecha on the tables! Here you'll find bits and parts to convert your miniatures of choice, vehicles and ships to recreate massive fleet battles, and more. Let's play!Subscriber-Exclusive Discounts
20.00% off from day 1 to day 32 starting 2022-01-01 and repeating each month
Active for: 5 days, 14:46:35.252294Explore Releases

Bits Welcome Pack
Jan. 1, 2022, midnight to Nov. 30, 2099, 11:59 p.m. for patrons in the following tiers: Combined Arms $12.50, Robot smash! $7.50
Vehicle Welcome Pack
Jan. 1, 2022, midnight to Nov. 30, 2099, 11:59 p.m. for patrons in the following tiers: Combined Arms $12.50, Ready main cannon! $7.50